• Resolved mpm


    I have a custom kubrick header size but the ‘header image and color’ in the admin doesn’t match the new size. Where/how do I adjust the sizes for the header colour picker stuff so that it does?

    I see that I should be looking in either functions.php or header-img.php but where exactly?

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  • How ’bout instead of having us guess, you provide us with a link to the site in question? That might help you more.

    Thread Starter mpm


    I don’t think I need to? I don’t think that would help.

    I only want to know how to adjust the image size that kubricks header color picker creates. It doesn’t line up with my new header (which is just the same old blue kubrick header but with different dimensions).

    I don’t think I need to? I don’t think that would help.

    Well, good luck then.

    Thread Starter mpm


    This is the image created by the header color creator.


    As you can now see it doesn’t match the kubrickheader.jpg underneath.

    I would like to know what to change in either functions.php or header-img.php to make it match.

    Thread Starter mpm


    Okay, so I can make some changes through header-img.php but I’m flying blind and can’t find any info on editing this file.

    Where do I change the position of the new image and what exactly do those numbers in the rounded corners array mean?

    $img = 'kubrickheader.jpg';
    // If we don't have image processing support, redirect.
    if ( ! function_exists('imagecreatefromjpeg') )
    	die(header("Location: kubrickheader.jpg"));
    // Assign and validate the color values
    $default = false;
    $vars = array('upper'=>array('r1', 'g1', 'b1'), 'lower'=>array('r2', 'g2', 'b2'));
    foreach ( $vars as $var => $subvars ) {
    	if ( isset($_GET[$var]) ) {
    		foreach ( $subvars as $index => $subvar ) {
    			$length = strlen($_GET[$var]) / 3;
    			$v = substr($_GET[$var], $index * $length, $length);
    			if ( $length == 1 ) $v = '' . $v . $v;
    			$$subvar = hexdec( $v );
    			if ( $$subvar < 0 || $$subvar > 255 )
    				$default = true;
    	} else {
    		$default = true;
    if ( $default )
    	list ( $r1, $g1, $b1, $r2, $g2, $b2 ) = array ( 105, 174, 231, 65, 128, 182 );
    // Create the image
    $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($img);
    // Get the background color, define the rectangle height
    $white = imagecolorat( $im, 15, 15 );
    $h = 182;
    // Define the boundaries of the rounded edges ( y => array ( x1, x2 ) )
    $corners = array(
    	0 => array ( 25, 734 ),
    	1 => array ( 23, 736 ),
    	2 => array ( 22, 737 ),
    	3 => array ( 21, 738 ),
    	4 => array ( 21, 738 ),
    	177 => array ( 21, 738 ),
    	178 => array ( 21, 738 ),
    	179 => array ( 22, 737 ),
    	180 => array ( 23, 736 ),
    	181 => array ( 25, 734 ),
    // Blank out the blue thing
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $h; $i++ ) {
    	$x1 = 19;
    	$x2 = 740;
    	imageline( $im, $x1, 18 + $i, $x2, 18 + $i, $white );
    // Draw a new color thing
    for ( $i = 0; $i < $h; $i++ ) {
    	$x1 = 20;
    	$x2 = 739;
    	$r = ( $r2 - $r1 != 0 ) ? $r1 + ( $r2 - $r1 ) * ( $i / $h ) : $r1;
    	$g = ( $g2 - $g1 != 0 ) ? $g1 + ( $g2 - $g1 ) * ( $i / $h ) : $g1;
    	$b = ( $b2 - $b1 != 0 ) ? $b1 + ( $b2 - $b1 ) * ( $i / $h ) : $b1;
    	$color = imagecolorallocate( $im, $r, $g, $b );
    	if ( array_key_exists($i, $corners) ) {
    		imageline( $im, $x1, 18 + $i, $x2, 18 + $i, $white );
    		list ( $x1, $x2 ) = $corners[$i];
    	imageline( $im, $x1, 18 + $i, $x2, 18 + $i, $color );
    header("Content-Type: image/jpeg");
    imagejpeg($im, '', 92);

    This is what I’ve ended up with so far!


    Thread Starter mpm


    Got there in the long run. Thanks anyway.

    My header image is still the same blue blob. I double checked the new image file is saved as the same kubrickheader.jpg filename in the correct /images directory as indicated in style.css

    I still don’t understand why Presentation – > Header Image and Color in the Kubrick Tabs is still not showing up the new image.

    I wonder how billdennis5 fixed the problem?

    The site is https://www.goowealth.com

    Any suggestions ? Thanks for helping.

    OK. fixed it. I wasn’t using the real Kubrick, but something called Kubrick Tabs. Now I’ve got it: https://peoriapundit.com/blogpeoria

    The problem was that I wasn’t using the Default Theme, based on Kubrick. I was using a modification of the Kubrick theme, called Kubrick Tabs. Once I switched themes, I uploaded a new kubrickheader.jpg (that I designed myself) and the blue blob went away.

    Oh. Good for you the problem’s solved.

    Well, i am using the current Default theme, neither overwriting kubrickheader.jpg nor pointing to a new filename in style.css is working…

    This is really a challenge. I mean what can be a logical explanation for this.

    Check which file you are overwriting. Should be …\wordpress\wp-content\themes\default\images\kubrickheader.jpg

    Are you uploading it to the server? Several times I have changed something, checked and nothing happened and after 10 minutes of fishing around remembered, duh – I didn’t upload it – just changed it on my end. :^)

    Of course, at my age, I don’t have many brain cells left.

    Thread Starter mpm


    If you’ve changed the file name check the beginning of header-img.php in the images folder.

    Also, check header.php as sometimes the header css is stored here.

    Yep thanks, Kmessinger and MPM, both the jpg and php files were checked and fine then.

    So my last resort to resolve ‘The Case of The Missing New Kubrick Header’ was documented here:-



    However, my widget changes are not updating. Some changes takes minutes, some hours, and some are determined not to.

    I deactivated wp-cache to see how it goes….

    Hello… I have been having the same problem after changing the style.css file and header.php file for my default-theme blog. My new header image does not show. I’ve read that some problems with this WordPress theme are caused by plug-ins, and that the functions.php file with this theme basically acts as a plug-in. Therefore I suspect that the problem resides with the functions.php file. I’m going to find out what editions to this file I might be able to make in effort to solve this new-header problem and will post any information I can find.

    Ok so the problem was from a tag in the header.php file. I deleted the tag <?php wp_head(); ?> and the other tags before the </head> tag, and the problem was fixed! I can now see my new header image ??

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