• vickyvickyfranchinocom


    Greetings… A few questions…

    My website is vickyfranchino.com

    I used the standard Kubrick theme but replaced the header image with my own custom image. When I go to the home page my browser briefly shows a flash of the original Kubrick blue header image before replacing that with my custom image. Any idea why?

    In addition, I would like to remove some of the meta stuff on the right column such as site admin. how do I eliminate that??

    Sorry if these are dumb questions and thank!

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  • Michael


    it is the background color of this div in style.css:

    #header {
    	background: #73a0c5   url('images/kubrickheader.jpg') no-repeat bottom center;

    delete it or repalce it with your own color.

    Moar ghosts n stuff……

    the meta stuff on the right is just filler. You can put your own widgets on the sidebar, and that stuff goes away…

    Or…if you just want to edit what’s already there, you edit sidebar.php….the meta stuff is towards the bottom



    I’m having the same problem as Vicky. I tried changing and then deleting the background color as suggested above but that didn’t fix it. My blog is here: https://www.kathypartridge.com/blog/

    Any other ideas on how to eliminate the blue Kubrick header that flashes just before my custom one appears?


    Clayton James


    lines 256/257 in the style sheet

    I think you are seeing this:

    #header {
    background-color: #73a0c5;



    I am having the same problems and removing the color reference in the style sheet isn’t working. Because of the way my hosting is set up on freeservers, I’m running wordpress 2.0.4 and my page is based on wordpress default 1.6 (yes I know this is lame).

    My blog is here background: https://www.divergentthinking.net

    Can anybody help?




    as @claytonjames already suggested, edit style.css and find this block of css (about half way down):

    #header {
    	background-color: #73a0c5;
    	margin: 0 0 0 1px;
    	padding: 0;
    	height: 200px;
    	width: 758px;

    change to ‘background-color: transparent;’

    interestingly, in your style.css, the color reference was still there and showed the color code: #73a0c5.
    good luck in ghostbusting …



    Whew! It worked. I was kinda thrown since I was just changing the initial instance of #73a0c5 at the top; it didnt’ quite compute to go lower (me no understand line numbering sometimes).

    Anyway, it stuck so I think this issue is closed. Thanks ??

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