• kubrick – still fighting – different folders
    hi – sorry for asking again
    i’ve been configurating for 13hours today but can’t get it running correctly.
    problem is my site strukture.
    “If you do not know what a ‘.htaccess’ file is, simply rename the bundled ‘htaccess_example’ file to the root of your server, and that should be it.”
    i have wordpress in a folder called wordpress. i put the kubrick files to that folder. the archive folder is in another folder outside of the wordpress folder.
    what am i going to do with the .htaccess file now? btw. – everything worked perfect untill i installed kubrick.
    “rename to the root of your server” – do i need to give it a new name like “root” or something? “rename”…
    where do i need to put this file? in my wordpress folder?
    do i need to change a line in the htaccess file, for example line 2 where it only says “/”?
    i invested about 30 hours up to now, but i’ll give up on sunday evening and return to the good old basic wordpress without kubrick.
    by the way – go to my website and press previous 10 entrys. same problem with other links like “comments” and you won’t see a custom 404 page either…
    the usual procedure that has been discussed doesn’t change a thing – no matter what line i add.
    thanks for your help

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  • You might want to email michael, the author of the Kubrick Package’s help file.

    My suggestion is that you start clean. I have downloaded Kubrick myself today, and I am going to try to install it.
    As far as renaming the htaccess_example file, it’s simply a matter of moving it to the current location of your .htaccess file on your server, and then what you can do, is rename your current .htaccess file to something like original.htaccess, and then rename the htaccess_example file to .htaccess.
    Once you have done this, you need to go into your Admin panel in WP to Options ?? Permalinks and press the Update Permalink Structure button.

    I am having the same problem with Kubrick.
    I will say this up front, my blog is in a subdirectory
    I downloaded the files, uploaded them, placed the rules into my .htaccess file in the root pointing to my blog directory. I even updated the permlink structure and when I went back to the blog, could not access older posts, the 404 error page would come up and the blog is looking for an directory that is not present within the blog subdirectory. I had even placed a test post up and tried to comment to it with no luck.
    I had to go back to my old template. I like the Kubrick template and would like it to be on my site in the future if I can get it working.

    i’ve been bailing totally on my own designs and using Kubrick as my backend template. i love it.
    there have been a few set up issues, but overall, it’s nothing that’s not quickly solved so far.
    perhaps my notes will help you:
    hope so.

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