• I’ve just recently redesigned my blog and am looking for some constructive critiques of anything. It isn’t fully complete yet as some of the pages are missing content.


    Thanks for any points or information you can give me so that I can improve this design

    PS. I know that IE butchers some of the design but since its just a blog for mainly a small audience (I’m assuming since I don’t think anyone but me reads it) I don’t really mind.

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  • XML error: syntax error at line 1

    That’s the only thing I get

    me too :-/

    Thread Starter xaos


    Hrm, I thought that I fixed that. I’m not sure why it shows up but if I refresh the page then it usually works. I don’t know if anybody tried that but if you could it would be appreciated. I’m going to try and find the source of the error but I’m not even sure where to start looking yet.

    Looks very simple and elegant ! ??
    just the kind of style that I like, always.

    keep up the good work !

    Thread Starter xaos


    Looks very simple and elegant ! ??
    just the kind of style that I like, always.

    keep up the good work !

    Thanks for the encouragement! By the way, I love wpthemes.info too, its always been a great resource for me

    very very nice and clean. only complaints/suggestions i have are:

    1) no header/title – i like having something to help me id the blog and the header is easiest. at the very least, use a title at the top.

    2) fitt’s law – it should be easy to implement so look here

    Thread Starter xaos


    Made some updates:

    • Included the header

    I havn’t implemented Fitt’s Law yet but I plan to once I get around to figuring out how I want to implement it in the design.

    Looks like daringfireball.net to me. The changes are merely that you inverted the colors and don’t have your own header image.

    I don’t mind it at all, but I would like a copy of that template to save me the trouble of ganking John Gruber’s layout myself for yet another alternate layout on my own blog.

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