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  • I’m also using s2member and I noticed that all administrators can login successfully (and the pop window actually closes); however, with any other user level, the login pop-up window seems to freeze at “Checking Credentials…”. Nevertheless, it actually does log in the user (in the background) but the “Checking Credentials…” message never switches to “Login Successful” and the window stays open. If you manually close and browse the website, you will notice that you are actually logged in. I hope you find a fix soon, I’ve tried 5 other plugins now and I like yours the best. Thanks ??


    I guess this is an s2member issue.

    The reason “Checking Credentials…” is hanging like that is most likely because s2member is trying to redirect, and the Modal login plugin is waiting for a response, which it isnt getting. s2member will only respond to the redirect_to var or disable the s2member login redirection totally, so I suggest you try that, to get any popup-login-plugins to work.

    Try do disable s2member redirecting;

    add_filter(‘ws_plugin__s2member_login_redirect’, ‘__return_false’);
    put this in your (child)theme’s functions.php file.

    Thanks xuw,

    Your code worked wonderfully.

    Curious to know why administrators can log in successfully but not other users.

    Thanks Cole, brilliant plug-in

    I use s2members & can confirm the same issues as above “administrators can login” etc, I’m trying this fix & will post back…

    – JH

    And thank you xuw…

    add_filter('ws_plugin__s2member_login_redirect', '__return_false');

    put this in your (child)theme’s functions.php file.

    “worked wonderfully.” for me too



    Thanks this code worked great for the conflict I was having with the Login with Ajax widget.However I have been searching for a solution to get the parent page to refresh when the widgets registration popup window is closed. Right now the Login works fine but when a user registers I cannot automatically log them in without them having to manually refresh the page. I am fairly new to php and javascript so any advice would be great.

    How can i set the after login redirected to specific page in WP Modal Login?

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