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  • palmdoc


    Notifications would be cool!

    Plugin Author darrenmeehan


    Hi Leandro and mpa4hu, that would be great, I’m working on notifications but extra code is always great to have!

    [email protected] is my email.



    When I was trying to adjust my sidebar layout in the widgets sections I noticed that the menus were not expanding. I disabled my plugins one by one until I found the problem — it turned out to be your plugin. I’m running WP 3.8.1 with BuddyPress 1.9.2.

    Just passing it on!



    The problem with menus not expanding is due to a javascript error. The jquery ui dialog script is not getting loaded because of an extra space in the wp_enqueue_script command in the /includes/scripts.php file. On line 21, the command is

    wp_enqueue_script(‘ jquery-ui-dialog’);

    but it should be





    Ah yes! Thanks, that fixed the problem.



    Conflict with plugin wp-job-manager. When i turn on BP Like 0.1.7 The wp-job-manager Plugin – The Job page does not load the job listings. BP Like 0.1.6 works OK with wp-job-manager.



    Fixed the problem. Thanks Danny!

    Possible conflict with QuickCache.

    I installed this plugin on a self-hosted WordPress installation that is running BuddyPress. I am also running the QuickCache plugin.

    After installing the “BuddyPress Like” plugin, the Clear Cache button on QuickCache did not seems to work. (I pressed Clear Cache but there was no indication that the cache cleared. Usually when you press Clear Cache an icon start spinning to indicate that it’s working). The Clear Cache button worked as intended when I disabled “BuddyPress Like”.

    I am trying to set up a buddypress area within a site using iThemes Everett theme. I am also using Gravity Forms for my contact form and for accepting payments for events. When I activated BuddyPress Like, my contact form disappeared. In talking with the Gravity Forms support people, they said the following:

    “This is the JavaScript error which is causing the form not to appear:

    Timestamp: +3/20/2014 5:13:37 PM
    Error: TypeError: jQuery(…).dialog is not a function
    Source File:
    Line: 1

    You will need to check with the author of the BuddyPress Like plugin with respect to fixing that error.”

    Are you able to fix this problem so I can use your plugin?


    Same problem than @reliablecyber with the js :/

    Me too, I also have the same problem as described by @reliablecyber :-/

    The latest version pretty much breaks my entire site.(DynamiX Theme) It ran fine on the previous version.

    Revolution slider fails to load.
    All accordions/expandable content tabs break completely and are permanently expanded. (Visual composer is in use and incorporated into the theme)
    Social stream plugin fails to load any streams on any page.

    Its a serious no go for me at this moment in time.

    Thanks sincerely for your efforts, I will monitor your progress in the hope you can and do resolve the issues highlighted above.

    I had an issue with getting this message…

    Warning: array_keys() [function.array-keys]: The first argument should be an array…

    so I edited line 479 of the file… /includes/like-functions.php

    from this…

    $users_who_like = array_keys( bp_activity_get_meta( $bp_like_id , ‘liked_count’ , true ) );

    to this

    $users_who_like = array_keys( (array)(bp_activity_get_meta( $bp_like_id , ‘liked_count’ , true )) );

    and this fixed the problem – fyi

    Great Plugin, but when it is activated, any tabs in the admin panel do not load their content. It seems like there is a JQuery error somewhere.

    Hello Darren,

    This plugin is awesome! Well, when I activated it, there are problems with the admin panel like DHarvey44 mentioned. Same with dropmenus, widgets functions, and more are not working properly.

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