• Knews cant update. Please, check user database permisions. (You must allow ALTER TABLE). (ver. 0.0.0) Table 'webxxx_db1.wproot_knewsautomated' doesn't exist sql: ALTER TABLE wproot_knewsautomated ADD COLUMN submit_time varchar(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '00:00'

    The same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP; KnewsPlugin has a deprecated constructor in /home/www/domain.de/wp-content/plugins/knews/knews.php on line 31

    WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler: [Table 'webxxx_db1.wproot_knewsautomated' doesn't exist]
    show columns from wproot_knewsautomated like 'submit_time'
    WordPress-Datenbank-Fehler: [Table 'webxxx_db1.wproot_knewsautomated' doesn't exist]
    ALTER TABLE wproot_knewsautomated ADD COLUMN submit_time varchar(5) NOT NULL DEFAULT '00:00'
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  • Thread Starter mpek


    I was just installing Knews for the frist time and got these errors…do you have a solution for this?

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