During the posting by chaoskaizer I FINALLY SOLVED THIS PROBLEM. Here’s how:
1) A few days ago I came across the following support topic from a couple of months ago:
Can you hide the sidebar in a Page?
Scrolling down to a comment by a certain “genevaeagles” I found his code for “Template Name: Page Templage w/o Sidebar” (see above link). At the time I didn’t think it applied, but a few hours ago I went back to it. I changed the Template title to No Sidebar (no_sidebar.php) and uploaded it to my mistytheme folder.
2) I then edited the css file of my theme by copying the #content-main code, renaming it #content-fullcolumn and extending the original width of 520px to 720px. A shame there isn’t some uniformity in css jargon.
3) Then in the following Theme files: Single Post, Page Template, Archives (archives.php), I changed <div id=”content-main”> to <div id=”content-fullcolumn”> at the top, and removed <?php get_sidebar();?> at the bottom. I may have to change others as time goes by, but this is a new blog so there’s only a few posts so far.
4) I made this change on the 404 Template as well, but it still shows the sidebar, which may not be a bad thing.
So, the No Sidebar template of genevaegles may only effect pages, but the other code has successfully knocked the sidebar out of posts and everywhere else but the homepage.
chaoskaizer, I will try your solution as soon as I get my eyesight back, though at the moment I am to such code as Alan Turing’s gardner was to the Enigma Machine.
Thanks to all and sundry.