keyword SEO
The plugin does not inform if the keyword chosen to write the article has already been used in a previous post.
This is very serious, as posts can compete with each other for having the same keyword and, as a result, ruin the SEO of the entire site.
Is there any code or function I can add to have the keyword info resource already used before?
Yours sincerely,
thank you for your feature request.
This feature is already available with the universal SEO metabox.
And good news: it will be the case with the standard SEO metabox too with our next update incoming this week!
What good news.
Looking forward to the update.
The plugin also lacks the option to edit the permalink slug.
This can only be done in the option provided by WordPress itself.Thanks.
The warning feature of a keyword already used in previous content does not work in the Classic Editor.
Still in the Classic Editor, in the content analysis, even if the post doesn’t have any image, the plugin informs that all the alternative tags of the images have been filled.
“Alternative Image Texts.”
“All alternate tags are filled in. Good job!”
And if the content has images without you having filled in the alternative tags, and you ask the plugin to analyze the content, it also informs you that all alternative tags of the images have been filled.
This happens in the WordPress Classic Editor.
Thank you very much!
We scan the all source code of your entire page, not just the post content like a search engine will do.
So I’m pretty sure you have some images in the header / sidebar or footer of your post URL hence the message about alt tags.
“The warning feature of a keyword already used in previous content does not work in the Classic Editor.” -> can you elaborate a little bit please?
Yes, indeed I have images on the side and header of the site, but it doesn’t make sense for the plugin to consider these images for SEO analysis.
The image and image alt text must be inside the post, as well as the keyword, for example. The SEO technique is quite clear.
Thinking like the plugin, I would no longer need to include any images in the posts because the side and header of the site already have images.
But not including an image in the post would be a big mistake, as I would no longer receive the organic visit that comes from Google Image.
The plugin should be able to tell me that the content has no image or alt text in case I forgot.
On the keyword issue in the Classic Editor.
I don’t use the Gutenberg Editor, I use the Classic Editor.
I ran several tests including a keyword that I had already used in another post, and the plugin didn’t notify me that I had used the keyword previously in another post.
Another thing:
The plugin also lacks the option to edit the permalink slug. This can only be done in the option provided by WordPress itself.
It would be nice to have this feature in the plugin to let us know that the slug size contains an optimal size, just like the title and description.
Thank you, Benjamin.
I understand your point of view, but this is not how search engines work.
They read ALL your source code. Plus, it’s always a good thing to add alt tags for accessibility.
About the keyword issue, are you sure the keywords are strictly identical?
Can you confirm you are using SEOPress 6.1.2?Finally, we have noted your feedback about editing the slug from SEOPress ??
I understand that search engines read ALL source code. Thank you for taking the trouble to let me know.
My concern actually is that the plugin won’t let me know if I forget to include image alt text or if I forget to include an image in the post.
I am aware that SeoPress automatically adds the image alt text in case I forget, but it would be nice to have the feature available within the post stating that the alt text or the image itself is missing.
This would make the plugin more complete. It’s a simple resource, but for those who use a lot of images in each post it’s very important, it helps a lot.
About the keyword issue. Yes, I’m pretty sure the keywords are strictly identical, and I’m using SEOPress 6.1.2.
For you to understand better.
I have a post where the focus keyword is Harry Potter. I did three tests reusing the word Harry Potter in a new post and the plugin didn’t inform me that I had already used Harry Potter in another post.
I even redid the test before replying to your message. This happens in the Classic Editor. I don’t use the Gutenberg Editor.
Finally, thanks for noting about editing the SEOPress slug.
“I have a post where the focus keyword is Harry Potter. I did three tests reusing the word Harry Potter in a new post and the plugin didn’t inform me that I had already used Harry Potter in another post.”
You will see the alert if you enter the same keyword to the Target keywords field from our content analysis feature tab. I think that’s where the confusion is.
Thanks for the feedback.
“You will see the alert if you enter the same keyword to the Target keywords field from our content analysis feature tab. I think that’s where the confusion is.”
The various tests I did were doing exactly as you said. I went even further: I created a new post and entered the same keyword in the Target Keywords field on the tab of the content analysis feature.
I believe that the best way for you to detect the error is by installing the Classic Editor plugin and testing.
can you send us an email to contact[at]seopress[dot]org with this issue please?
Sorry for the delay in responding. I had a problem with my PC.
I tried to send what you requested, but the email you entered is not recognized. The email cannot be sent.
The address “contact[at]seopress[dot]org” was not recognized. Make sure the address is correct.
make sure to replace “at” by @ et “dot” by “.”.
I have written like this to prevent bot crawling it ??
The email has been sent.
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