Hi – Keeping the CSS will be dependent on the custom nav menus using the same classnames as the old 2.9 menus used, usually with the wp_list_pages menu creating function. You may have to do some tweaking of class names.
The function that displays the new custom menus is wp_nav_menu
There are some classes that can be specified when configuring the menus to display in your theme code.
$container_class is the user-specified name of the CSS class assigned to the outer menu container. $container_ID is the same for the ID.
$menu_class and $menu_id are the class and ID assigned to the UL unsorted list tag that the entire menu structure is built within.
Most 2.9 menus were built with a similar structure. If you can get the class or ID names that the new menu system creates to match what is in your existing theme, the CSS or at least most of it should apply itself to the new menu system. It is likely you will have to do a little bit of tweaking.
Good luck!