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  • Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    Hi Malkon, yes, I can implement such an option.

    I am afraid it would hassle with the input fields for width and height. How would you like to see that new option in the widget?

    Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    With the new plugin version 2.3 you can activate the option to keep the aspect ratio.

    If you like this plugin I would be glad about your review.

    It is not possible to change this option. Even deleting and re-installing the widget in its widget area does not help. After writing new post, they get the wrong images, too.

    Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    I could not reconstruct a not-changing option. If I activate the checkbox and save the widget, the checkbox is checked. If I deactivate the checkbox and save the widget, the checkbox is unchecked.

    Is that what you mean?

    Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    About “wrong images”: Do the posts have thumbnails? Should the widget take the first image of each post and takes another image? Or why do you think the images are “wrong”?

    The status of the checkbox is saved properly. But it has no impact.

    I always used the “Beitragsbild”. The file used by your Widget is something like https://bla/…image-150×150.jpg. It is not possible to change to another size. Tried with different installations.

    Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    Ah, ok, it seems the widget uses the thumbnail sizes as set under “Settings” > “Media Files”!

    The aspect ratio worked if the given image dimension (width, height) are both larger than the thumbnail dimension under “Settings” > “Media Files”. If one of the values is lower than in the settings WordPress takes the nearest larger values, in your case the thumbnail sizes.

    Plugin Author Martin Stehle


    No more response so I assume (and mark) this topic as resolved.

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