• Resolved Dario Devcic


    Is there possibility to keep original post and comment ID upon import? I didn’t find a way to do this with your plugin. I asked the same question via support form on your website, expressing a desire to buy Pro version (if this is possible with Pro), but 7 days later, still no answer from you. Please could you explain how to link comments with posts without hacking the plugin and the database?

    I solved first part of my problem with “Really Simple CSV Importer” (plugin in repo). I used Really Simple CSV to import posts, retaining original IDs. There is no fancy mapping there, but with little bit of tweaking csv column headers, everything run smoothly. After that I was able to import comments with your plugin (keeping proper relations with posts).

    Next problem is nested comments.
    In order to keep nested/threaded comments (link nested comments with its parent comment) we need “comment_parent” column. But this column is missing. I found that it is fairly easy to add it in “modules/comment/action/actions.php”. But again, to establish relation we need ability to keep original comment_ID. Unfortunately this is also not possible.
    To solve this problem I imported “comment_parent” values in “comment_author_IP” column and later wrote a mysql function to copy values into comment_ID.

    So, lots of hacking to achieve something that plugin bearing the “Ultimate” in its name should have out of the box ?? Kidding, plugin is great, but really, are you planning to incorporate the ability to retain the original ID for posts and comments in upcoming versions?


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  • Plugin Author smackcoders


    Update Option with post-id and comment-id available in pro version. But Nested comment is still in future pipeline. Note that comment import is recently added features, you can expect more in near future.

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