You can edit this file directly:
But the correct way to do it is to first create a child theme with a style.css file that imports the parent stylesheet.
After you’ve created your child theme’s style.css file, create a folder called js within your child theme’s folder. The js folder will be used to hold a modified version of fictive.js.
Download fictive.js from the parent folder, and make the following changes. Right around line 20, change this:
//Scroll past header image on screen widths less than 820px
$.fn.scrollDown = function() {
$( 'body,html' ).animate( {
scrollTop: $scrollPosition
}, 400 );
to this:
//Scroll past header image on screen widths less than 820px
$.fn.scrollDown = function() {
// $( 'body,html' ).animate( {
// scrollTop: $scrollPosition
// }, 400 );
All you are doing is commenting out three lines starting at line 22 by putting double slashes at the beginning.
Upload your modified fictive.js file to your child theme’s js folder.
Then create a functions.php file that has this in it:
* Fictive child theme functions and definitions
function fictive_child_scripts() {
wp_register_script( 'fictive-script', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/fictive.js', array( 'jquery' ), '20140403', true );
wp_enqueue_script( 'fictive-script');
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'fictive_child_scripts' );
Upload this into your child theme’s folder. What this will do is prevent the parent theme’s fictive.js script from loading, and will load instead your modified fictive.js file from your child theme’s js folder.
That should do it, the child theme will no longer scroll to a position below the header image on screen resize.