keep getting timeouts when uploads PDFs
I have been trying to upload PDF documents and about ever 5th attempt seems to work. I keep getting time outs. The files are only about 900k.
There is no other error messages. Is there something I can check?
Thank you,
Let me know what your finding are… is there a way to disable pdf thumbnail creation from the dashboard? If so maybe @dualice could turn that functionality off and test again.
I don’t know about that. That is something that is beyond me.
This problem, however, I think is now symptomatic of a larger issue or maybe there are multiple issues going on. My site is sooooo slow. even sometimes clicking on WP admin links like “Updates” returns with a page not found. This is getting very frustrating as it took me 20 minutes to upload a single 97kb PDF file and 4 attempts. I know this cannot be something specific to the website as I installed a fresh copy of WP on a dev domain and it has the same problems. Despite having a caching plugin, the site is still slow and my users are complaining.
is there a way to disable pdf thumbnail creation from the dashboard
No, but can do it. I just double checked its code and it’s safe.
My site is sooooo slow.
This is about to be a sucky thing to say, but the two are not always related. At least not the way that you appear to be thinking. That is, I don’t think the PDFs are failing because the site is slow, but I do think that the PDFs failing are part of why the site is slow. Does that make sense?
If you installed the dev-domain on the same hosting plan, then based on the volume of errors I see in your logs, I would say that the issue is your account is hitting the max of what we safely allow on a shared instance.
Overall load on your server is well within accepted norms for a shared box. But when I run wp-cli commands to check on things, yes, it’s slooooow. If I run non-WP commands, it’s quite fast. Also your error logs are cluttered with “Premature end of script headers: php56.cgi” which tells me that your PHP processes are dying because they take too long to run.
It’s very possible that the caching plugin you’re using isn’t as compatible with your users as it might be. Bear in mind, each caching tool has it’s own pros and cons and their usefulness depends entirely on matching the way your site is used. I see you’re using wp-fastest-cache. Have you considered or tried wp-super-cache or even ? (I don’t recommend W3TC in this situation, as you’re on shared, and it’s insanely monolithic without as much gain on shared as on a VPS).
Also I DO recommend PHP 7. You can turn it on via Panel and, if there’s a problem, you can switch back right away. But it’s notably faster.
I’m not sure if you’re on the latest version of your theme – – since the free version only says 1.30, and yours is saying 1.35, but do make sure it’s upgraded.
The other usual recommendations always apply. Remove any plugin you’re not using, or even ones you think are just ‘cool’ and you don’t NEED. Be mean to yourself. Question. Argue. Demand you justify every single thing you install on your site, as if you had a 16G iPhone and room for ONE app of the three you want.
Finally, your site does look like it’s on that bubble where the only way to goose more speed is going to be either a VPS or possibly DreamPress (the managed WP offering). That said, you appear to have a membership site, and that’s going to gob up caching because most caches skip serving cached content to logged in users. DreamPress does for Varnish, but it also has built-in Memcached, which will do SQL query caching for you. That’s a fancy way to say it’ll cache the requests people make.
If you installed the dev-domain on the same hosting plan, then based on the volume of errors I see in your logs, I would say that the issue is your account is hitting the max of what we safely allow on a shared instance.
I do have a is that contributing to this slowness? I can remove it. I was only using it for the initial build of the site and to play with other plugins.
Overall load on your server is well within accepted norms for a shared box. But when I run wp-cli commands to check on things, yes, it’s slooooow. If I run non-WP commands, it’s quite fast. Also your error logs are cluttered with “Premature end of script headers: php56.cgi” which tells me that your PHP processes are dying because they take too long to run.
Can you tell what is specifically taking too long?
It’s very possible that the caching plugin you’re using isn’t as compatible with your users as it might be. Bear in mind, each caching tool has it’s own pros and cons and their usefulness depends entirely on matching the way your site is used. I see you’re using wp-fastest-cache. Have you considered or tried wp-super-cache or even ? (I don’t recommend W3TC in this situation, as you’re on shared, and it’s insanely monolithic without as much gain on shared as on a VPS).
I will try wp-super-cache and I understand that logged in users won’t benefit from the caching plugin. However, non-logged in users will – this is my compromise because the site is so slow. I would not mind making the case for the extra $$ for a VPS but I need to know what the measurable difference will be and would need to see if first hand. If you know of a way this can be tested that would be awesome.
Also I DO recommend PHP 7. You can turn it on via Panel and, if there’s a problem, you can switch back right away. But it’s notably faster.
I don’t mind testing this. I can this do at night.
I’m not sure if you’re on the latest version of your theme – – since the free version only says 1.30, and yours is saying 1.35, but do make sure it’s upgraded.
I have been very good about updating when there are updates. I believe everything is up to do. As for the version difference for the theme – I really don’t know.
The other usual recommendations always apply. Remove any plugin you’re not using, or even ones you think are just ‘cool’ and you don’t NEED. Be mean to yourself. Question. Argue. Demand you justify every single thing you install on your site, as if you had a 16G iPhone and room for ONE app of the three you want.
I have removed all unnecessary plugins – that I know of. I will admit this is my first site built with wordpress so, I may have plugins that duplicate existing WP functionality. I have been trying to go through that and re-do those bits with WP functionality so I can reduce the amount of plugins. I think I have hit that end unless you have other suggestions.
Thank you,
Peter.If you open a ticket with tech support and ask if they can help you pin down the site slowness, that would be faster than asking me especially since I’m about to be gone for a long weekend!
Having two domains on the same account both be slow just means it’s the account and not the specific domain. If only one site was slow, it would be a matter of site-configuration. If both are slow, then the strong suggestion is you need a bigger box ?? But the site-slow techs are way better at that since they’re more experienced in the server side of site slowness and should be able to give you a big run down.
If you do open a ticket, do link here and let them know what things you’ve tried.
Hi Mika,
Thank you. I have created a ticket with support (#7663330).
Thanks again,
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