I’m not exactly sure what you want, but I do know for sure that you’re at the wrong place: www.remarpro.com, where you are now, only builds and supports the WordPress software. www.remarpro.com does not offer domain registration services, does not offer hosting services, and does not sell anything at all.
From a public lookup of your domain, I can see it is registered with NameCheap and running a WordPress site (installed back in August) that uses NameCheap’s hosting service. You can log in to your existing WordPress site here: https://usamaterial.com/wp-login.php
Again, I’m not sure what exactly you want to do, but NameCheap should be the right place to go for help with anything relating to your domain and hosting. Here’s NameCheap’s support page: https://www.namecheap.com/help-center/live-chat/
If you want to hire someone to build your site for you, please post your job ad here instead: https://jobs.wordpress.net/
Good luck!