• I am either bling or just cannot figure out to edit the header in the latest release for K2.

    https://www.michaelsviews.com, I dont want anything else along the top besides blog and site admin. If someone knows what file to edit I would appreciate it. But I have looked at the header.php, and everything else that I could make heads of tails of and could not find anything.


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  • Is there a call toward the end of the header.php file that looks something like <?php wp_list_pages('arguments'); ?>? If all you want is a link to the home page and your admin, then you can delete that function altogether.

    Thread Starter michaelbb


    Thanks that did the job.

    If I may, is there a way to set default information/cateory views on initial load of the blog?

    You mean you only want certain categories going to the front page? This page on the codex has some good information about it:

    The way I used that tag in a previous theme was to create a new template called home.php (which WP will automatically use as the first page) and put the query_posts tag at the top. The home.php file–aside from the query_posts tag–is a carbon copy of index.php.

    Thread Starter michaelbb


    Once again thank you for the reply.

    If you go to my site, on the left you will see the blog tab I will call it and how its not transparent, is there a way to make it like the register tab which always seems to be transparent.



    For not showing certain categories on the front/main page – the easiest way is to use a plugin:

    Good call, moshu.

    Michael, if you look in your source you’ll notice that the admin button has a different link class than the blog button. Change the blog button’s class to the same one as the admin button and you’ll be good to go. ;o)

    Thread Starter michaelbb



    Ok didnt see your post because of maybe you were writing at the same time. I figured out what the plugin does and where it does it. But thats not the issue at hand could you be just a little more specific in your reply pertaining to the class and changing .

    Trust me I do look through all of this stuff and try to figure it out on my own, but PHP is totally new too me.

    Thanks for all the feed back folks

    Actually, this bit is HTML. You’ve commented out the PHP page call, so now right before that is the link to the blog, and right after that is the link to the admin. They’re list items in the unordered list “menu”. Here’s what you currently have for your link to the blog:

    <li class="current_page_item"> PHP link here </li>

    And after the PHP page call you’ve got your link to the admin:

    <li class="admintab"> PHP link here </li>

    In the part in the first link that says <li ...> there’s a section that says class="current_page_item". Change that to say class="admintab".

    Thread Starter michaelbb



    I see that also, I just cant find where it is with in the theme, I checked the header file and nothings there like what you have above, and from what I see in view source.

    I did comment out <!–<?php wp_register(‘<li class=”admintab”>’,”); ?> –>
    in the header file but I am still left with the Blog part on the left.


    Thread Starter michaelbb


    And , this also,

    <!–<li class=”<?php if ( is_home() or is_archive() or is_single() or is_paged() or is_search() or (function_exists(‘is_tag’) and is_tag()) ) { ?>current_page_item<?php } else { ?>page_item<?php } ?>”>/”><?php echo get_option(‘k2blogornoblog’); ?> –>

    Please let me know if I am killing the functionalty of the Theme though. As far as it appears right this moment I like it, only thing I mite change next is the back ground color, have to figure out how to do that next.

    Once again SERIOUS thanks to everyone who assisted/helped me.

    You probably just need to refresh your cache. I’m not seeing any navigation on the header.

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