Hi @marioskyr,
Thanks for reaching out.
As I understand, you are looking to refresh the JWT token or regenerate the existing JWT token using the endpoint of our plugin’s JWT Authentication method.
So, We would like to inform you that the token refresh can only be done using the standard OAuth 2.0 refresh token grant and that feature is available only in our premium plan along with more features and extra security benefits.
The JWT token which is already generated can’t be used again for regenerating the new token as if this is allowed then anyone can use the expired token to regenerate and access the resources. So, that is why using the OAuth 2.0 token endpoint request, you receive both the JWT token (access_token) as well refresh_token and that refresh token is not publicly used for accessing resources and it is used only for generating a new JWT token(access_token).
Also, it will be great if you can tell us more about your use case and the reason for the token refresh so we can guide you better.
Team miniOrange