• I have just installed latest WP today, added a theme and a few plugins. The lastest plugin installed and activated was DBC Backup. When I refreshed home page, I saw just PLAIN text – no style, no images, no formatting!
    Here is what my homepage looks like after that happened:

    Then I went to admin panel and looked at Appearance — Themes and found that all themes are ‘corrupted’ in a sense that none of them displays a mini-picture and upon activating theme preview – shows just plain text. I tired 3 different theme – all the same (plain text shown on preview).
    Here is what I mean:

    I tried to deactivated latest installed plugins, even most of the installed previously; I even did a database restore from backup – all to no avail. Nothing helped.
    I’ve been working with WP for several years, but never saw anything as odd as this. Do you have a clue what could be wrong and how I can fix this strange problem?

    Thank you in advance

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  • Thread Starter aveter


    The website with the problem is https://www.cityvillestrategytips.com


    Wondering if you have some permisiions issues on your server? For instance if I try to view your css

    I get a forbidden message.

    You don’t have permission to access /wp-content/themes/flexsqueeze140/style.css on this server.

    If I can’t see your css, neither can my browser……

    Thread Starter aveter


    I can’t see style.css in my browser either, however this same problem apears with THREE different themes included the default theme that comes with wordpress installation (v. 3.0.4)

    Permissions are as follows:
    style.php – rw-r–r– (644)
    style.css – rwxrwxrwx (777) – I don’t think ‘too much permission’ can cause troubles, or can it?

    Right, none of your themes will work if its a permissions issue….
    You should be able to click that link I posted, and see your actual style.css file, not a forbidden message

    It could be an issue with your actual host, or with your wp-content folder…..

    Thread Starter aveter


    What kind of ‘host issue’ this could be and what could be wrong with wp-content? Can you give some ideas of what to look for?


    Thread Starter aveter


    you were right – I went through my other WP blogs, all they had 775 for w-content/themes/THEMENAME, whereas on this problematic site permission was 755.

    So I changed permissions on all folders beginning from wp-content down to the theme folder and including style.css file to 775, yet I still have this issue:


    You don’t have permission to access /wp-content/themes/flexsqueeze140/style.css on this server.

    What else could be the problem?
    thank you

    Thread Starter aveter


    The problem is solved. As this was new site, it has to be added to apache and nginx config files. To do that, simply type in ssh:

    /etc/nginx/conf.d/sites.conf ?

    /etc/httpd/conf.d/sites.conf ?

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