Hi Folks,
I did some digging and found that this plugin is broken on two levels.
- The format of the YouTube oEmbed code has apparently changed
- The YouTube has deprecated its v2 API, which this plugin uses
I fixed the first issue by removing the YouTube link and leaving only the ID inside the shortcode (this will not work out of the box, you ned the patch below).
The second problem was actually easier to fix. I have replaced the old API with the new one. The new one requires an YouTube API key.
In doing the above a broke almost everything else (sorry, no more vimeo support), and I haven’t fixed the youtubeuserfeed shortcode.
The patch you need is here: https://blog.pvalley.info/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/0001-Fixed-the-youtube-gallery.patch
You can find more detailed explanation with some examples on my blog: https://blog.pvalley.info/?p=493
I really hope that the creator of this plugin will restore it to life, but until that …