• Hey,

    want to try sendpress and if it work together with cleverreach we will buy it.

    I′m the only admin and Sendpress just appears in my admin-sidebar. I can′t change the permissions inside the settings because the only role that is show there is author.
    But when I try to activate it, it doesn′t work. After I safe the settings, all options unchecked again.

    There is no other role to see. I just need “editor”?

    To deactivate all Plugins doesn′t help. I erased sendpress and installed it again, no changes…

    Any idea what I can do?

    Best regards


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  • Thread Starter BBIndikator


    Ah sorry, it doesn′t appear in sidebar if you logged in as an editor… But it is very important to handle it as an editor..

    I′m using WordPress 3.6.1 but I will update it the next few days…


    Plugin Author itdoug


    Let’s see if I can collect a little bit more information from you so that we can help you out.

    First, Please click the following link for instructions on what info to provide support. https://sendpress.com/support/knowledgebase/what-information-should-i-provide-in-a-support-ticket/

    Please remove your URL from the output since this is a public forum.

    Second, could you send a screenshot of the send press permissions page? I’m not 100 percent sure whether you were talking about sendpress permissions or permissions from the other plug-in.

    Third, if you can find out the actual name of the role in the other plug-in, we should be able to get it to show up in send press in a future release. If you are not sure how to find the name of the role, you could try looking at a user that has that role. It should be listed in the drop-down any user profile.


    Thread Starter BBIndikator



    here is for what you asked:

    WordPress Version: 3.6.1
    SendPress Version:
    PHP Version: 5.3.26
    PHP Memory Limit: 256 MByte
    PHP Memory Used: 92.78 MByte
    MySQL Version: 5.5.30

    Database Tables:
    mypref_sendpress_subscribers_event OK
    mypref_sendpress_report_url OK
    mypref_sendpress_subscribers_status OK
    mypref_sendpress_subscribers OK
    mypref_sendpress_list_subscribers OK
    mypref_sendpress_queue OK

    Port 25: verstopft
    Port 465: ?ffnen
    Port 587: ?ffnen

    Support Info:

    ### Begin System Info ###

    ## Please include this information when posting support requests ##

    Multi-site: No

    SITE_URL: https://domain.de
    HOME_URL: https://domain.de

    SP Version:
    WordPress Version: 3.6.1

    Platform: Apple
    Browser Name: Safari
    Browser Version: 6.1
    User Agent String: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Ma
    c OS X 10_8_5) AppleWebKit/537.7
    1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.
    1 Safari/537.71

    Database Tables:
    mypref_sendpress_subscribers_event OK
    mypref_sendpress_report_url OK
    mypref_sendpress_subscribers_status OK
    mypref_sendpress_subscribers OK
    mypref_sendpress_list_subscribers OK
    mypref_sendpress_queue OK

    Sending Method: website

    PHP Version: 5.3.26
    MySQL Version: 5.5.30-30.2-log
    Web Server Info: Apache

    PHP Memory Limit: 256M
    PHP Post Max Size: 128M

    WP_DEBUG: Disabled

    WP Table Prefix: Length: 6 Status: Acceptable

    Show On Front: posts
    Page On Front: Home #6
    Page For Posts: Home #6

    Session: Enabled
    Session Name: PHPSESSID
    Cookie Path: /
    Save Path: absolute.path
    Use Cookies: On
    Use Only Cookies: On

    WordPress Memory Limit: 40MB
    WP_DEBUG: Off
    FSOCKOPEN: Your server supports fsockopen.


    3D tag cloud: 2.3
    Adminimize: 1.8.4
    Admin Menu Tree Page View: 2.6.5
    Advanced Excerpt: 4.1.1
    BackUpWordPress: 2.3.3
    bbPress: 2.4.1
    Better WP Security: 3.5.6
    CMS Tree Page View: 1.2.17
    Debug Bar: 0.8.1
    Distinctive Themes Testimonials: 1.1
    Duplicate Post: 2.4.1
    Enable Media Replace: 2.9.3
    Fanciest Author Box: 1.5
    Google XML Sitemaps: 3.3
    LayerSlider WP: 4.6.3
    Members: 0.2.4
    Moderate Selected Posts: 1.4
    NextScripts: SNAP Pro Upgrade Helper: 1.1.8
    NextScripts: Social Networks Auto-Poster: 3.0.2
    Oomph Clone Widgets: 1.2.1
    Options Optimizer: 1.0
    P3 (Plugin Performance Profiler): 1.4.1
    Page Edit Toolbar: 1.0
    PanoPress: 1.1
    Plugin Organizer: 3.2.6
    Post Types Order: 1.6.2
    Retina Press: 1.3.1
    Revolution Slider: 3.0.95
    Rewrite Rules Inspector: 1.2.1
    SendPress: Email Marketing and Newsletters:
    Shareaholic | share buttons, analytics, related content:
    Simple 301 Redirects: 1.05
    Social Network Tabs: 1.7.1
    The Events Calendar: 3.1
    Toolbox: 0.1
    UberMenu 2 – WordPress Mega Menu Plugin:
    WooCommerce: 2.0.18
    WooCommerce German (de_DE): 3.0.13
    WooCommerce German Market: 2.2.5
    Wordfence Security: 3.8.7
    Wordpress Keyword Tool: 1.0.4
    Wordpress Rocket Writer: 1.1.3
    WP-Optimize: 1.1.2
    WP Robots Txt: 1.1
    wpSEO: 3.0.9
    WP Smush.it:


    My ChildTheme: 1.0

    ### End System Info ###

    I also renamed the wp-content Folder and Login and Register, too.

    Screenshot Permissions: Screenshot

    3. I′m not sure which PlugIn you mean. If you′re speaking about cleverreach, this isn′t a plugin. It is a Mail-Service. But today we speak about it and we want to use another one.
    I really hope we can use it together with Sendpress to plan longshort campaigns… This is the Service.

    4. Is it possible to collect the datas from users for Newsletter Campaigns with Sendpress and use this datas to connect it with a Mailservice like getresponse?
    I hope this question isn′t to silly. Never used Newsletters before.

    Thank you very much for your effort!

    Best regards

    Plugin Author itdoug


    We think it’s a plugin conflict. Most likely it’s “BackUpWordPress: 2.3.3”. Could you deactivate it and try it. Let us know. Once we know which plugin it is, we can try to fix.



    Not sure how BackUpWordPress would cause that kind of conflict, but happy to work with you to make the plugins play nice together if indeed it is the case

    Thread Starter BBIndikator


    Hey, thanks for answer.

    I erased BackUPWp a few days ago, because it shows me every time a lot of conflicts after Backups finished. It comes no answer from Support, so I choose another one that works pretty nice without any conflicts. Can′t use FTP now, but thats fine, do it manually…

    After erase BackWPUP there was no change. But I erased Sendpress too, because it has some heavy conflicts with my WordPress.
    First, it wasn′t possible to erase more than one post. Every time I try it to erase more than one, it comes an error: “You′re sure you wanna do this?”
    Second. it wasn′t possible to preview changes on published pages and posts. Every time I made changes, I first must actual the post or page, then it was possible to see the changes. This conflict was to heavy…

    It can happen that there was just a conflict with another PlugIn, but after I deactivate Sendpress, all works fine in WordPress. I tried it with 3.6.1 and also with 3.7.1. For both the same issues..

    Hope my english isn′t to bad…

    Best regards

    Plugin Author itdoug


    Paul, Let me know if it fixes the permission issue for you.

    BBIndikator, The You′re sure you wanna do this?” issues were resolved in 0.9.6. Try upgrading and that should go away. It was happening when bulk editing.

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