Hi @philfirst,
yes I am sorry, I edited my past after I understood your problem better.
Search and clicking on the letters both is subject to jump.
Only, your theme unfortunately takes all links ending with #abcd
and stops the page from reloading/navigating and is only scrolling the content into view.
This is not compatible with Name Directory.
Since this is something in your theme (and probably in a thirtd party library they use) I cannot say if it can be resolved.
Althought all of the above, I did investigate a little, but it’s all in minified Javascript (https://unforgottenexmoor.firstwebpreview.co.uk/wp-content/themes/Divi/js/scripts.min.js?ver=4.14.6) in which I can’t see the context right. I am pretty confident I found the right piece of JS, but the tricky part is the context. Also, these minified files mostly are managed by your Divi theme, which is generated every time you edit your website. I am not sure I can find a fitting and permanent solution for this, because on update of the theme it might break again.
But also becuase I have a few blanks (I don’t know how your theme is configured etc) I can make a good estimation on if it can be resolved, I’m sorry!
Kind regards,
Jeroen Peters