• Hello , i think your plugin is greate , however i am having trouble understanding how it works , i need to connect the registration form input data , with this json request and then get the response to be registered with the user data as well .

    this is the request

    $postData = array(“data” => json_encode(array(
    “MasterID” => “test”,
    “MasterPassword” => “test”,
    “IsDemo” => “true”,
    “Password” => “$user password “, //this is required
    “FirstName” => “$first_name”, // this is required
    “LastName” => “$last_name”, //this is required
    “Email” => “$user_email”,
    “CountryCitizenshipId” => “”,
    “State” => “”,
    “City” => “”,
    “Address” => “”,
    “PhoneCountryCode” => “1”,
    “PhoneAreaCode” => “”,
    “PhoneNumber” => “Addtional field1”,
    “Zip” => “”,
    “IdentityType” => “”,
    “IdentityNumber” => “”,
    “Comments” => “wp-register integration”

    $parameters = http_build_query($postData, “”, “&”);
    // Setup cURL
    $ch = curl_init(‘https://xxxxxx/Open_WL_Account_New’);
    curl_setopt_array($ch, array(
    CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER => FALSE, //throws SOAP error when this is FALSE
    //CURLOPT_CAINFO => “/etc/cacert.pem”, //tried different CAs here, nothing worked
    CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => $parameters,

    // Send the request
    $response = curl_exec($ch);

    // Check cURL errors
    if($response === FALSE){
    echo ‘curl fail’;

    $response_xml = simplexml_load_string($response);
    print_r($response_xml); // Print raw response

    Any idea how to put this code?. the response also comes in the following manner

    {“IsOK”:”TRUE”, “Message”:”Account created successfully”, “AccountUsername”:”8506″, “AccountPassword”:”Aa123″} the password is the same as the registration form , but the account username comes from the response , any idea how to capture it and register it as an additional Field to be viewed on the user profile?.

    Any help would be appreciated , thank you.


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