Hi Richard,
Thanks for the rapid reply. Still you are offering us the worst of all possible worlds here. There are two good answers.
1. Yes, I’ll fix this for you now.
2. No, I can’t be bothered.
In the case of yes we will get our fix. In the case of no, we can either fix your plugin and fork it/contribute back (if it were on GitHub, anything else is too much hassle).
In this case of maybe we can’t take any action.
So please give us a date when you’ll make these improvements or tell us we are better to fork CookieLaw (which is the last thing on earth we want to do). There’s another deal breaker: logged in users get CookieLaw multiple times which really shouldn’t happen. The simplest thing in this case to avoid extra database calls, is logged in users just don’t get cookies at all (they are logged in!). All of this is an hour and a half of coding. It will take you more time to make excuses and deal with support queries than to fix these core issues.
Thanks for your time putting together CookieLaw. I don’t mind making a donation but I do expect the software to work in that case.
Making the web work for you, Alec