Thanks for the rapid response Damian! Here’s an update:
If I do Not include <script> in the code block, then save will occur, but will not take effect on the page.
If I do include <script> in the code block, then save will not occur and will not take effect on the page.
Here is what I’m trying to add into a JS code block:
<script src=””></script>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
function scaleDown() {
$(‘.work > figure’).removeClass(‘current’).addClass(‘not-current’);
$(‘nav > ul > li’).removeClass(‘current-li’);
function show(category) {
$(‘#’ + category).addClass(‘current-li’);
$(‘.’ + category).removeClass(‘not-current’);
$(‘.’ + category).addClass(‘current’);
if (category == “all”) {
$(‘nav > ul > li’).removeClass(‘current-li’);
$(‘.work > figure’).removeClass(‘current, not-current’);
$(“nav > ul > li”).click(function(){