• Resolved whax


    My site uses https and so my browser blocks the jQuery UI resource from loading over http resulting in a somewhat broken-looking CMS interface.

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  • Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Can you elaborate on the problem you are having?

    The Google Forms plugins loads all of the jQuery elements it uses via the wp_enqueue_script() mechanism which should take care of the http / https problem you alluded to.

    Thread Starter whax


    In wpgform\wpgform-options.php line 70 the protocol for the jqueryui library is specified as “http”. The result is that this script fails to load on my https site. It is used on the Settings > Google Forms (/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=wpgform-options.php) page.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Thanks for pointing it out, looks like I missed one when I made the changes for https support a while back. Fortunately the fix is easy, I will commit an update when I am hope later tonight.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    I fixed this last night and pushed out an update. There were a couple of other minor fixes in the same updated I’ve been sitting on as well.

    Thread Starter whax


    Thank you for the quick fix and for the great plugin!

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