Hi SameOldShane
What you would need to do is edit wp-google-maps-pro.php and find the following function: wpgmaps_user_javascript_pro()
Within that function, if you scroll down a bit you will find the following JavaScript function:
function InitMap_<?php echo $wpgmza_cmd; ?>() {
var myLatLng = new google.maps.LatLng(<?php echo
$wpgmza_lat[$wpgmza_cmd]; ?>,<?php echo $wpgmza_lng[$wpgmza_cmd]; ?>);
MYMAP_<?php echo $wpgmza_cmd; ?>.init("<?php echo
"#wpgmza_map_".$wpgmza_cmd; ?>", myLatLng, <?php echo
$start_zoom[$wpgmza_cmd]; ?>);
MYMAP_<?php echo $wpgmza_cmd; ?>.placeMarkers('<?php echo
wpgmaps_get_marker_url($wpgmza_cmd); ?>?u='+UniqueCode,<?php echo
$wpgmza_cmd; ?>);
InitMap_<?php echo $wpgmza_cmd; ?>();
Just below that, add something like this:
jQuery(".accordion h2").click(function() {
InitMap_1(); would re-initialize the Google Map with an ID of 1. Change these numbers to suit the shortcodes on the page. For example, if you have the map ID 34 on your page, you would need to change it to InitMap_34();
Please also change the “.accordion h2” to the relevant DOM element that triggers the accordian or jQuery tab.
It’s a bit messy but it does the trick.