• Everytime I use the tabs included in the “Sahifa” theme for WordPress, The options are displayed as a list, and all forms of comment possible are showen. You can see a sample at:


    In that post are the tabs of theme and the comments doesn’t work.
    The only thing is added when i use the tabs, its this code:

    <script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery("ul.tabs-nav").tabs("> .pane"); });
    <div class="post-tabs">
    <ul class="tabs-nav">
    <li> Título de la Pesta?a 1 </li>
    <li> Título de la Pesta?a 2 </li>
    <li> Título de la Pesta?a 3 </li>
    <div class="pane">Pesta?a 1 | Tu Contenido</div>
    <div class="pane">Pesta?a 2 | Tu Contenido</div>
    <div class="pane">Pesta?a 3 | Tu Contenido</div>

    And the other post when tabs of the theme are not used, the comments are showen perfectly. So can you help to solve this problem?. Beforehand sorry for my english, I speak spanish.


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  • Hello Jahyr, i saw that you have solved this problem, How you did it? I’m having this problem too! Thanks

    @lmvuong1997: If you require assistance then, as per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic instead of tagging onto someone else’s.

    Thread Starter Jahyr


    Yes, I solved the problem. I noticed that when i use the tab this line of code is added too:

    <script type='text/javascript' src='https://wwecuador.com/wp-includes/js/jquery/ui/tabs.min.js'></script>

    and it causes the problem.

    To solve it. What i did was first go to:


    and edit this part:

    function comments_evolved_enqueue_scripts() {
      echo '<!-- Comments Evolved plugin -->' . PHP_EOL;
      echo '<script>jQuery("#comment-tabs").tabs();</script>' . PHP_EOL;
      echo '<!-- //Comments Evolved plugin -->' . PHP_EOL;
    add_action('wp_footer', 'comments_evolved_enqueue_scripts', 4269);

    (This code is added to the footer of our template when we use the comments plugin)

    Whit this:

    function comments_evolved_enqueue_scripts() {
      echo '<!-- Comments Evolved plugin -->' . PHP_EOL;
      echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="https://YOURDOMAIN.com/wp-content/themes/sahifa/js/tabs.min_2.js"></script>' . PHP_EOL;
      echo '<!-- //Comments Evolved plugin -->' . PHP_EOL;
    add_action('wp_footer', 'comments_evolved_enqueue_scripts', 4269);

    (In this way we avoid the call of the plugin and instead we call the script of sahifa. Please replace YOURDOMAIN whit yours.)


    Then i go to: ../wp-content/plugins/gplus-comments/includes/templates/container.php

    And change this:

    <!-- comment-tabs -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
      window.comment_tab_width = $('#comment-tabs').innerWidth();

    Whit this:

    <!-- comment-tabs -->
    <script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
      window.comment_tab_width = $('#comment-tabs').innerWidth();
    <script type="text/javascript">	jQuery(document).ready(function($){
    jQuery("ul.controls").tabs("> .embed-container");
    }); </script>


    Change this too:
    <ul class="controls inline clearfix">

    Whit this:
    <ul class="tabs-nav controls inline clearfix ui-tabs-nav ui-helper-reset ui-helper-clearfix ui-widget-header ui-corner-all" role="tablist">


    Also Change this:
    echo "<li" . $active . " id='".$tab."-control'><a href='#".$tab."-tab'>";

    Whit this:
    echo "<li id='".$tab."-control' class='active ui-state-default ui-corner-top' role='tab'><a href='#".$tab."-tab' class='ui-tabs-anchor' rol='presentation'>";


    Also this:
    echo "echo "<div id='" . $tab . "-tab' class='embed-container content-tab clearfix'>" . PHP_EOL;

    Whit this:
    echo "<div id='" . $tab . "-tab' class='pane embed-container content-tab clearfix' rol='tabpanel'>" . PHP_EOL;


    Then i edited this file:

    to put the check in the “actual section” in my case i only adeed this code to the final:

    #comment-tabs a.ui-tabs-anchor.current {
        margin-bottom: -1px;
        padding-bottom: 7px;
        background: transparent url("") no-repeat scroll center bottom;
        border: medium none !important;
        outline: medium none !important;


    Finally i go to:

    And i changed the name of the file to this:


    Please tell me if you can solve your problem too, to close this topic. ??

    Thanks for your help! Seem like the tab has been shown but the comment box of the tab doesn’t show automatically until I press another tab. You can see this on here: https://dacvn.com/2015/11/24/cau-do-ve-ba-bong-den/

    Thread Starter Jahyr


    I was checking your code and exclusively for your site, the solution i found is go again to this file:


    and add to the final:

    #gplus-tab {
    display: block !important;

    Tell me if it’s work.

    It made the the g+ comment block always appear although another tab is active ??

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