• Dear all,

    If you go to my website https://zemobility.eu/
    You will see that the video links is not working,also I can not install properly smooth slider so I deleted it.
    I think that all my problem come from JQUERY that I have in double.
    Here a part of the answer that I have on Tubepress forum

    “You’re loading two copies of jQuery, and one of them is too old to work with TubePress. The solution would be to get it down to a single load of jQuery 1.6 or higher.”

    But I still don’t know where are the two copies of jQuery? I am not good for code so please can you tell me where I can find jQuery on my website?

    I would love to install a slider on my homepage and have my tubepress working properly.

    Thank you

    Thank you

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  • Thread Starter zemobility


    Voilà enfin la solution pour éviter les conflits entre les version jQuery, utiliser jQuery de google et ?a marche avec un simple code à rajouter en haut de function.php

    function google_jquery() {
    if (!is_admin()) {
    wp_register_script(‘jquery’, ‘https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.2/jquery.min.js’, false, ‘1.5.2’);
    add_action(‘init’, ‘google_jquery’);

    plus d’info ici:

    Avec ?a plus de conflit entre les jQuery et tout vos plugin marcheront correctement!

    Voir zemobility.eu

    I don’t speak french, unfortunately, because that would at least as cool than understading jquery. Hope you solved:)

    Thread Starter zemobility


    Sorry for that, just I found the solution, as I have different versions the best was to take jQuery from Google to avoind any conflicts: and it works.
    Thank you for your support zemobility.eu is not working but not finish yet. If you have some idea to make the website better don’t hesitate.
    This website is to help plug-in vehicle.

    Have a good day!

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