Jpegtran Problem
First of all thank you for that great plugin !
I’m having an issue with Jpegtran. Since the last update (2013-3-19), i’m getting this message :jpegtran: MISSING?Copy executable from /homez.577/lesgoute/www/wp-content/plugins/ewww-image-optimizer/jpegtran-linux64 to /homez.577/lesgoute/www/wp-content/ewww/jpegtran or a system path (like /usr/local/bin), OR Download jpegtran source
I’ve downloaded your and put it in the wp-content/ewww/ folder, and name it jpegtran-custom and it didn’t work. I’ve also changed the writing permission and still nothing.
Debug Info
jpegtran path:
optipng path: /homez.577/lesgoute/www/wp-content/ewww/optipng
gifsicle path: /homez.577/lesgoute/www/wp-content/ewww/gifsicle
pngout path:
disabled functions:
jpegtran permissions: 0755
gifsicle permissions: 0755
optipng permissions: 0755
wp-content/ewww permissions: 0777
user: lesgoute
Operating environment: Linux 3.2.2-grsec-mutu-grs-ipv6-64 #1 SMP Thu Jan 26 14:55:34 UTC 2012 x86_64Thank you for your help.
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