jpegtran, optipng, gifsicle – SiteGround
I did some test on a local installation and your plugin works fine, but when I use it on SiteGround I have problems with jpegtran, optipng and gifsicle.
Here’s debug report, you think I can fix this somehow?Thanks!
developc EWWW IO version: 272.0 WP version: 4.5 PHP version: 50445 ewww_image_optimizer_gallery_support() ewww_image_optimizer_admin_init() ewww_image_optimizer_init() ewww_image_optimizer_cloud_init() ewww_image_optimizer_exec_init() ewww_image_optimizer_cron_setup() ewww_image_optimizer_cron_setup() ewww_image_optimizer_tool_init() ewww_image_optimizer_install_tools() Checking/Installing tools in /home/developc/public_html/ wp-content/ewww permissions: 0777 ewww_image_optimizer_install_paths() CPU architecture: x86_64 generated paths: /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ Linux/UNIX style OS, checking permissions ewww_image_optimizer_check_permissions() permissions for /home/developc/public_html/ 0777 permissions ok ewww_image_optimizer_check_permissions() permissions for /home/developc/public_html/ 0777 permissions ok ewww_image_optimizer_check_permissions() permissions for /home/developc/public_html/ 0777 permissions ok ewww_image_optimizer_check_permissions() permissions for /home/developc/public_html/ 0777 permissions ok ewww_image_optimizer_check_permissions() permissions for /home/developc/public_html/ 0777 permissions ok ewww_image_optimizer_settings_script() ewww_image_optimizer_bulk_script() ewww_image_optimizer_aux_images_script() ewww_image_optimizer_webp_script() ewww_image_optimizer_notice_utils() ewww_image_optimizer_exec_check() disable_functions: suhosin_blacklist: ewww_image_optimizer_safemode_check() safe_mode = ewww_image_optimizer_path_check() ewww_image_optimizer_find_nix_binary() found /home/developc/public_html/, testing... ewww_image_optimizer_md5check() /home/developc/public_html/ 3364e139e76fcfe13ec9325c9ff8def6949de304d3630293b39e7879db1dfba6 ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: j at jpegtran jpegtran: sh: jpegtran: command not found tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: j at /usr/bin/jpegtran /usr/bin/jpegtran: sh: /usr/bin/jpegtran: No such file or directory tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: j at /usr/local/bin/jpegtran /usr/local/bin/jpegtran: sh: /usr/local/bin/jpegtran: No such file or directory tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: j at /usr/gnu/bin/jpegtran /usr/gnu/bin/jpegtran: sh: /usr/gnu/bin/jpegtran: No such file or directory tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: j at /usr/syno/bin/jpegtran /usr/syno/bin/jpegtran: sh: /usr/syno/bin/jpegtran: No such file or directory tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_find_nix_binary() found /home/developc/public_html/, testing... ewww_image_optimizer_md5check() /home/developc/public_html/ 3364e139e76fcfe13ec9325c9ff8def6949de304d3630293b39e7879db1dfba6 ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: jb at jpegtran blind testing jpegtran, is 0 smaller than 5700? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: jb at /usr/bin/jpegtran blind testing jpegtran, is 0 smaller than 5700? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: jb at /usr/local/bin/jpegtran blind testing jpegtran, is 0 smaller than 5700? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: jb at /usr/gnu/bin/jpegtran blind testing jpegtran, is 0 smaller than 5700? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: jb at /usr/syno/bin/jpegtran blind testing jpegtran, is 0 smaller than 5700? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_find_nix_binary() found /home/developc/public_html/, testing... ewww_image_optimizer_md5check() /home/developc/public_html/ d4796db936751f0e32fe6a2a5d73dfd8ef4128cd4a33e706949c392c6ea6a184 ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: o at optipng optipng: sh: optipng: command not found tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: o at /usr/bin/optipng /usr/bin/optipng: sh: /usr/bin/optipng: No such file or directory tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: o at /usr/local/bin/optipng /usr/local/bin/optipng: sh: /usr/local/bin/optipng: No such file or directory tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: o at /usr/gnu/bin/optipng /usr/gnu/bin/optipng: sh: /usr/gnu/bin/optipng: No such file or directory tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: o at /usr/syno/bin/optipng /usr/syno/bin/optipng: sh: /usr/syno/bin/optipng: No such file or directory tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_find_nix_binary() found /home/developc/public_html/, testing... ewww_image_optimizer_md5check() /home/developc/public_html/ d4796db936751f0e32fe6a2a5d73dfd8ef4128cd4a33e706949c392c6ea6a184 ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: ob at optipng blind testing optipng, is 0 smaller than 110? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: ob at /usr/bin/optipng blind testing optipng, is 0 smaller than 110? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: ob at /usr/local/bin/optipng blind testing optipng, is 0 smaller than 110? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: ob at /usr/gnu/bin/optipng blind testing optipng, is 0 smaller than 110? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: ob at /usr/syno/bin/optipng blind testing optipng, is 0 smaller than 110? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_find_nix_binary() found /home/developc/public_html/, testing... ewww_image_optimizer_md5check() /home/developc/public_html/ 5e0eccdd0ea0b49fb33e0550d8d5bde7c8ce296972c1d466cf75adfc215b7425 ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: g at gifsicle gifsicle: sh: gifsicle: command not found tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: g at /usr/bin/gifsicle /usr/bin/gifsicle: sh: /usr/bin/gifsicle: No such file or directory tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: g at /usr/local/bin/gifsicle /usr/local/bin/gifsicle: sh: /usr/local/bin/gifsicle: No such file or directory tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: g at /usr/gnu/bin/gifsicle /usr/gnu/bin/gifsicle: sh: /usr/gnu/bin/gifsicle: No such file or directory tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: g at /usr/syno/bin/gifsicle /usr/syno/bin/gifsicle: sh: /usr/syno/bin/gifsicle: No such file or directory tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_find_nix_binary() found /home/developc/public_html/, testing... ewww_image_optimizer_md5check() /home/developc/public_html/ 5e0eccdd0ea0b49fb33e0550d8d5bde7c8ce296972c1d466cf75adfc215b7425 ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: gb at gifsicle blind testing gifsicle, is 0 smaller than 12000? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: gb at /usr/bin/gifsicle blind testing gifsicle, is 0 smaller than 12000? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: gb at /usr/local/bin/gifsicle blind testing gifsicle, is 0 smaller than 12000? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: gb at /usr/gnu/bin/gifsicle blind testing gifsicle, is 0 smaller than 12000? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: gb at /usr/syno/bin/gifsicle blind testing gifsicle, is 0 smaller than 12000? tool not found defining EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_JPEGTRAN defining EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_OPTIPNG defining EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_GIFSICLE defining EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_PNGOUT defining EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_PNGQUANT defining EWWW_IMAGE_OPTIMIZER_WEBP ewww_image_optimizer_options() ABSPATH: /home/developc/public_html/ home url: site url: ewww_image_optimizer_savings() querying savings for single site query to be performed: SELECT SUM(orig_size-image_size) FROM wp_ewwwio_images savings found: 1523750360 ewww_image_optimizer_install_paths() CPU architecture: x86_64 generated paths: /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ /home/developc/public_html/ ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: j at : sh: -v: command not found tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: jb at blind testing jpegtran, is 0 smaller than 5700? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: o at : sh: -v: command not found tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: ob at blind testing optipng, is 0 smaller than 110? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: g at : sh: --version: command not found tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: gb at blind testing gifsicle, is 0 smaller than 12000? tool not found ewww_image_optimizer_safemode_check() safe_mode = ewww_image_optimizer_exec_check() disable_functions: suhosin_blacklist: ewww_image_optimizer_gd_support() GD found, supports: GD Version: bundled (2.1.0 compatible) FreeType Support: 1 FreeType Linkage: with freetype T1Lib Support: 1 GIF Read Support: 1 GIF Create Support: 1 JPEG Support: 1 PNG Support: 1 WBMP Support: 1 XPM Support: 1 XBM Support: 1 JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support: ewww_image_optimizer_gmagick_support() ewww_image_optimizer_imagick_support() ewww_image_optimizer_find_nix_binary() ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: i at convert convert: Version: ImageMagick 6.6.3-4 2010-08-08 Q16 imagemagick found ewww_image_optimizer_find_nix_binary() ewww_image_optimizer_tool_found() testing case: n at nice nice: 0 nice found cloud JPG: off cloud PNG: off PNG extra compress: off cloud GIF: off cloud PDF: off cloud fast lossy: off remove metadata: on lossy JPG: off lossy PNG: off lossy PDF: off bulk delay: 0 optipng level: 2 pngout level: 2 scheduled optimization: off deferred optimization: off disable auto-optimization: off include media library: off ewww_image_optimizer_get_image_sizes() Array ( [0] => thumbnail [1] => medium [2] => medium_large [3] => large [4] => fullhd [5] => fullhd-400 [6] => fullhd-tablet [7] => fullhd-smartphone [8] => original-desktop [9] => original-tablet [10] => original-smartphone [11] => link-cover-desktop [12] => gallery-img [13] => gallery-img-tab [14] => gallery-img-smart [15] => 160x160 [16] => 190x190 [17] => 312x312 [18] => post-cover-tablet [19] => post-cover-desktop [20] => post-cover-smartphone [21] => partner_logo [22] => partner_logo_bigger [23] => autore_thumb_big [24] => autore_thumb ) Array ( [thumbnail] => Array ( [width] => 150 [height] => 150 ) [medium] => Array ( [width] => 300 [height] => 300 ) [medium_large] => Array ( [width] => 768 [height] => 9999 ) [large] => Array ( [width] => 1024 [height] => 1024 ) [fullhd] => Array ( [width] => 1920 [height] => 1080 ) [fullhd-400] => Array ( [width] => 1920 [height] => 400 ) [fullhd-tablet] => Array ( [width] => 1024 [height] => 9999 ) [fullhd-smartphone] => Array ( [width] => 480 [height] => 9999 ) [original-desktop] => Array ( [width] => 1280 [height] => 9999 ) [original-tablet] => Array ( [width] => 1024 [height] => 9999 ) [original-smartphone] => Array ( [width] => 480 [height] => 9999 ) [link-cover-desktop] => Array ( [width] => 870 [height] => 460 ) [gallery-img] => Array ( [width] => 865 [height] => 9999 ) [gallery-img-tab] => Array ( [width] => 768 [height] => 9999 ) [gallery-img-smart] => Array ( [width] => 480 [height] => 9999 ) [160x160] => Array ( [width] => 160 [height] => 160 ) [190x190] => Array ( [width] => 190 [height] => 190 ) [312x312] => Array ( [width] => 312 [height] => 312 ) [post-cover-tablet] => Array ( [width] => 328 [height] => 195 ) [post-cover-desktop] => Array ( [width] => 428 [height] => 255 ) [post-cover-smartphone] => Array ( [width] => 480 [height] => 290 ) [partner_logo] => Array ( [width] => 480 [height] => 360 ) [partner_logo_bigger] => Array ( [width] => 304 [height] => 136 ) [autore_thumb_big] => Array ( [width] => 100 [height] => 100 ) ) disabled resizes: thumbnail: optimization=enabled creation=enabled medium: optimization=enabled creation=enabled medium_large: optimization=enabled creation=enabled large: optimization=enabled creation=enabled fullhd: optimization=enabled creation=enabled fullhd-400: optimization=enabled creation=enabled fullhd-tablet: optimization=enabled creation=enabled fullhd-smartphone: optimization=enabled creation=enabled original-desktop: optimization=enabled creation=enabled original-tablet: optimization=enabled creation=enabled original-smartphone: optimization=enabled creation=enabled link-cover-desktop: optimization=enabled creation=enabled gallery-img: optimization=enabled creation=enabled gallery-img-tab: optimization=enabled creation=enabled gallery-img-smart: optimization=enabled creation=enabled 160x160: optimization=enabled creation=enabled 190x190: optimization=enabled creation=enabled 312x312: optimization=enabled creation=enabled post-cover-tablet: optimization=enabled creation=enabled post-cover-desktop: optimization=enabled creation=enabled post-cover-smartphone: optimization=enabled creation=enabled partner_logo: optimization=enabled creation=enabled partner_logo_bigger: optimization=enabled creation=enabled autore_thumb_big: optimization=enabled creation=enabled skip images smaller than: 0 bytes skip PNG images larger than: 0 bytes exclude originals from lossy: off exclude originals from metadata removal: off use system binaries: no jpegtran disabled: no optipng disabled: no pngout disabled: yes gifsicle disabled: no webp conversion: off alt webp rewriting: off jpg2png: on ewww_image_optimizer_jpg_background() ewww_image_optimizer_jpg_background() ewww_image_optimizer_jpg_quality() png2jpg: off gif2png: off max_execution_time: 600
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