Just went through your blog and found the following issues:
1) It is taking a lot of time to load. It had been a few minutes now, but your site has not loaded yet. Here is how you can speed up your loading time.
– Let only a few blog posts appear on the homepage.
– Allow only excerpts to appear on the homepage, not entire blog posts, especially when those posts are huge.
Your images are big and you got a lot of images per post, which is good… the problem is that all of those are appearing on the homepage… try only to put a few images on the homepage…
2) For some reason your image links are not friendly, and they do not even open when they are clicked on.
For example: this is the link to which the image is hyper-linked – /?attachment_id=870
but the image is available here – blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/playa_blanca.jpg
It must be something to do with the friendly link structure…
3) Add some more social voting buttons on the post, perhaps a twitter button, your posts contains a lot of good picture, they can really spread on the social media,
overall, you have an excellent blog, keep it updated,