• Tim_Olaguna


    I’m developing a site using the Joomla CMS suite. I have downloaded and installed the WP Component which, in theory, provides Joomla with WP functionality. Buy what do I do after I install the component? There seems to be no way to “publish” WP to a joomla site or make it otherwise available to the public or “frontend” of the site. Opening the component provides a large page of information and links, but nothing about where to go from here. Experimentally clicking on the “Write a post” link just brings up the always so helpful “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” message.

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  • TechGnome


    Unless the WP Component for Joomla was create by some one here, I think you might have better luck at the Joomla site. We can provide support for WP itself, and for some of the plugins for WP, but once you get outside of that, you get out of the relm of expertise of most of the people around here.

    I was able to poke around the Joomla site a little and what it sounds like this component does is allows you to pull WP posting into Joomla. Which means both systems have to be comepletely setup.

    Hmm… I see where you mention that now. Sorry, but I think you will need to contact whom ever made the component and/or stop off in their forums for an answer.


    Thread Starter Tim_Olaguna


    Thanks, TechGnome! I crossposted there (www.joomla.org) so I’ll go check with them from time to time. The Joomla folks put out a great CMS, but their approach to blogging is weak. And WP’s is so cool, artistic, and well developed in comparison.



    Not too sure how deep you are into joomla, but I just finished an integration into the portal/cms that I develop for that provides everything you’re looking for.



    What cms is that, lunabyte? I keep looking for something that’s lean, clean code (in other words, doesn’t throw html, ESPECIALLY tables from core code), easily templated….



    It’s available at lunabyte.net for reference.

    We haven’t announced the WordPress integration yet, which will be released with the next version. In fact, I’ve kinda been teasing our users about something coming up, but not saying what.

    It looks massive at a first glance, but it can be as little or a much as you want, really.

    As for templates, we use the SMF theme system since that’s the forum we work with. We figured why worry about running two template engines, etc, etc.

    The SMF themes take a tick to get used to, but they are incredibly powerful at the same time. Once again though, you can be as simple or as complex as you want with this area too.



    Well, I want a complete cms, but SMF would NOT EVER be my preferred way to go for fora. As bad as phpbb….

    I’ll look at it when you post a link. Is it free/OS?



    Yes, it’s free and open source. I posted the link, but in case you missed it it’s https://www.lunabyte.net



    Yeah, saw that, but all I get is “Sorry Guest, you are banned from using this forum!”

    Source shows a TON of table tags. I don’t use tables in anything except excel spreadsheets and calendars….

    Thanks, I’ll still take a look on release.




    Hmmm… We do have a few IP’s banned that have caused problems in the past, but what’s the odd’s that you happen to be using one of those now? lol

    Funny world.

    Yes, it does show table tags. That’s just the way our template’s are set up for our theme. However, nothing that you couldn’t customize to suit your needs.

    In fact, if you did happen to do that, our theme developer would probably become your biggest fan. He’s been wanting to get some themes out there that are tableless, but just hasn’t (unfortunately) had the time to put into it with all the other stuff we pile on him. ??



    Yeah, I get that message no matter what tab I click on. Also happens on my second ISP connect, and they aren’t anywhere close to the same…. oh well, my luck today!

    I’ll be very interested in seeing how I could template the setup to rip out the tables. VERY. Just in case I miss your post, I’d appreciate an email: vkaryl *AT* bytehaven *DOT* com.




    Initial message sent, FYI, in case you would like to edit out your info above. ??

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