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  • Plugin Author Mike Jolley (a11n)


    Either the theme or a plugin is loading in an old version of jquery; I can see in your page source:

    <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>

    This is bad for many reasons which I won’t go into, so find the plugin responsible, or code in your theme, and remove it to fix the issue.

    Thread Starter jdobre


    I found in the theme where this was being called. I also deactivated all other plugins. It still does not work.

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley (a11n)


    Looks like it may also be missing:

    Since the scripts are not being output to your theme.

    Look in header.php and footer.php.

    Thread Starter jdobre


    Those lines occur in header and footer.

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley (a11n)


    Not convinced the footer ones are there, at least not correctly – thats where the scripts would usually output.

    Maybe the code you removed earlier is still related. Look for a wp_dequeue_script on jquery. If thats there too, remove it.

    And remember you can test with Twenty Twelve theme to confirm it’s indeed the theme.

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley (a11n)


    Not convinced the footer ones are there, at least not correctly – thats where the scripts would usually output.

    Maybe the code you removed earlier is related. Look for a wp_dequeue_script on jquery. If thats there too, remove it.

    And remember you can test with Twenty Twelve theme to confirm it’s indeed the theme.

    Thread Starter jdobre


    Hmm…I activated the Twenty Twelve theme without other plugins and it worked. Once the other plugins were activated, it did not. Looks like there may be a couple of issues going on.

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley (a11n)


    Activate them one by one.

    And look for the dequeue of jquery like I mentioned earlier.

    Good luck.

    Thread Starter jdobre


    Alright found the disrupting plugin. I’m not finding dequeue. A lot of enqueues, but no dequeue. Which file what be the likely culprit?

    Plugin Author Mike Jolley (a11n)


    Since the theme had the google CDN version of jquery, I’d guess there.

    Thread Starter jdobre


    Alright I got it now. When I commented out the wp_register_script line to the old jquery, I didn’t comment out the deregister and enqueue surround it as well. Thanks for your help Mike.

    Glad we could help! ?? Feel free to leave a kind review too.

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