• Forgive me..I am new to word press and all these plug ins

    How do you change the way the jobs are displayed?
    Right now it shows the jobs I posted, but in full expanded view, with all the details. I just want a clean list to show up and the applicant can click on the job then apply

    P;lease pointy me in the right direction



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  • Thread Starter zombinator


    i would like it to look similar to this

    I’m also looking for this setting..

    I have installed it and looks great.
    The problem I just discovered is that the “next page” is redirecting to the home page of my website, probably not recognized. What can I do please

    Also would like to know how I can put the list (just job titles) to my home page, the code to do so.

    Is there an answer to this yet

    Go to Jobs Manager/Settings/Display Setting and scroll down to Job List Template.

    Copy and save this files before editing.

    Now play with editing the short code.

    I have just playing with this plugin for a few days but got the jobs page to show the way I like it on a test site.

    I also need that display. I have put this code in my jobs listing page but nothing changes.

    <th scope=”row”>Title</th>
    <td>[job_icon] [job_link][job_title][/job_link]</td>
    <th scope=”row”>Categories</th>
    <th scope=”row”>[job_field_label]</th>
    <td>[job_apply_link]Apply Now[/job_apply_link]</td>


    <div>[job_page_previous_link]Page [job_page_previous_number][/job_page_previous_link]</div>
    <div>Jobs [job_page_minimum]-[job_page_maximum] of [job_total]</div>
    <div>[job_page_next_link]Page [job_page_next_number][/job_page_next_link]</div>

    here is the solution

    <div class="job[job_row_number] job[job_id] [job_odd_even]">
    <table class="job-table[if_job_highlighted] highlighted[/if_job_highlighted]">
    <table width="800">
        <th scope="row">Title</th>
    	<th scope="row">Location</th>
    	<th scope="row">Apply</th>
          <td>[job_icon] [job_link][job_title][/job_link]</td>
          <td class="jobs-applynow">[job_apply_link]Apply Now[/job_apply_link]</td>
    <div class="job-nav">
    	<div class="previous">[job_page_previous_link]Page [job_page_previous_number][/job_page_previous_link]</div>
    	<div class="this">Jobs [job_page_minimum]-[job_page_maximum] of [job_total]</div>
    	<div class="next">[job_page_next_link]Page [job_page_next_number][/job_page_next_link]</div>

    [Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]

    it works……
    see the page https://madhyaindia.com/jobs/


    Vipin Vishwakarma
    [sig moderated as per the Forum Rules]

    Then I must be doing something terribly wrong because I don’t get the same results as you just posted, even when taking care to insert the above between statements.


    Hi Vipin – I used your code example to modify my job manager and the way it displays the job list. My question is how to you alter the spacing between columns? I can determine if my theme is controlling the columns or if there are commands that I’m missing that should be included in your example?

    I love the way your example looks so if you can give me any guidance that would be really helpful.


    jah i think your theme doesn’t support my code……you should mould the code as your requirnment…….

    Thanks jomara for using my code……can you give url where you want to use job list code…..have you used cellspacing in the table tag….if no so you can use it.actually some themes doesn’t support code like above so we have to customize it…..

    hope it will helpul.


    Unfortunately I don’t have the level of coding knowledge to help me make use of it.

    I ended up buying a job theme and using it as a sub domain. The styling isn’t identical to the parent site, but it does everything I needed it too and a little more. Far more economical that going down the Zartis plugin route, or similar.

    HI vipinvishwakarma

    where do i insert the code you provide it?


    Hi esanchez,

    you can paste the code in –
    job manager tab –> Display settings –> Job List Template.
    in the Job List Template section you can paste my code.


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