• My full database backup are always finishing with a warning:

    [INFO] BackWPup version 3.1.4; A project of Inpsyde GmbH
    [INFO] WordPress version 4.1.3
    [INFO] Blog url: https://www.yyy.it/
    [INFO] BackWPup cron: 0 4 * * 1; Next: lun, 4 mag 2015 @ 04:00
    [INFO] BackWPup job started from wp-cron
    [INFO] PHP ver.: 5.5.22 (64bit); cgi-fcgi; Linux
    [INFO] Maximum PHP script execution time is 120 seconds
    [INFO] Script restart time is configured to 120 seconds
    [INFO] MySQL ver.: 5.0.92-enterprise-gpl-log
    [INFO] Web Server: Apache
    [INFO] curl ver.: 7.19.7; NSS/ Basic ECC
    [INFO] Temp folder is: /xxxx/backwpup-fec0ab-temp/
    [INFO] Logfile is: /yyyy/backup/logs/backwpup_log_fec0ab_2015-04-27_04-01-09.html
    [INFO] Backup type is: archive
    [INFO] Backup file is: /zzzzz/backup/Full_backup_14b4f5_2015-04-27_04-01-09.tar.gz
    [27-apr-2015 04:01:09] 1. Try to backup database …
    [27-apr-2015 04:01:09] Connected to database Sqlxx on 62.xx.yy.zz
    [27-apr-2015 04:01:09] Backup database table “wp_commentmeta” with “518” records
    [27-apr-2015 04:01:51] Added database dump “Sql_1.sql” with 102,95 MB to backup file list
    [27-apr-2015 04:01:51] Database backup done!
    [27-apr-2015 04:01:51] Restart will be executed now.
    [27-apr-2015 04:01:56] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
    [27-apr-2015 04:03:10] 1268 folders to backup.
    [27-apr-2015 04:03:10] Restart will be executed now.
    [27-apr-2015 04:03:12] 1. Trying to create a WordPress export to XML file …
    [27-apr-2015 04:03:24] Check WP Export file …
    [27-apr-2015 04:03:25] WARNING: XML ERROR (23): EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
    [27-apr-2015 04:03:25] Added XML export “Club-Alpino-Italiano-gt-Sezione-di-Castellammare-di-Stabia.wordpress.2015-04-27.xml” with 5,98 MB to backup file list.
    [27-apr-2015 04:03:25] Restart will be executed now.
    [27-apr-2015 04:03:27] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
    [27-apr-2015 04:03:28] Added plugin list file “Club-Alpino-Italiano-gt-Sezione-di-Castellammare-di-Stabia.pluginlist.2015-04-27.txt” with 4,21 kB to backup file list.
    [27-apr-2015 04:03:28] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
    [27-apr-2015 04:03:28] Added manifest.json file with 7,22 kB to backup file list.
    [27-apr-2015 04:03:28] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
    [27-apr-2015 04:03:28] Compressing files as TarGz. Please be patient, this may take a moment.
    [27-apr-2015 04:05:24] Restart after 118 seconds.
    [27-apr-2015 04:06:56] Backup archive created.
    [27-apr-2015 04:06:56] Archive size is 320,61 MB.
    [27-apr-2015 04:06:56] 9497 Files with 377,04 MB in Archive.
    [27-apr-2015 04:06:56] Restart will be executed now.
    [27-apr-2015 04:07:01] One backup file deleted
    [27-apr-2015 04:07:01] 1. Trying to check database …
    [27-apr-2015 04:07:01] Result of table check for wp_commentmeta is: OK

    [27-apr-2015 04:07:02] Database check done!
    [27-apr-2015 04:07:02] One old log deleted
    [27-apr-2015 04:07:02] WARNING: Job finished with warnings in 353 seconds. Please resolve them for correct execution.

    Is maybe the gt sign “>” I’ve in title of the site?


Viewing 10 replies - 1 through 10 (of 10 total)
  • Hello,

    that warning is not on the Databse export it is on the XML export.
    The Plugin check the wordpress export an detects a error in the XML file.
    Mostly that error cams from themes ther ar filtering in a wordpress function in a false way. Please Test if it works wit a Twenty* Theme.

    Anonymous User 13982730


    Hi, I′ve got the same problem and I′ve tried using Twenty Theme and it continues happening.
    Can you tell me how to solve it, please?

    Can you send me the XML file so that i can have a look.

    Hallo Herr Hüsken,
    ich habe auch ein backup heute erstellt mit 1 Warnung und 1 Fehelr.
    Was k?nnte den Fehler verursacht haben?
    Und ist der Fehler gravierend?
    Hier ist der backupwp_log:
    [INFO] BackWPup 3.2.0; Ein Projekt der Inpsyde GmbH
    [INFO] BackWPup Auftrag: IEP_Backup1
    [INFO] Logfile ist: backwpup_log_c78856_2015-09-23_10-48-00.html
    [INFO] Backup Datei ist: backwpup_iep_c78856_2015-09-23_10-48-00.tar.gz
    [23-Sep-2015 10:48:00] 1. Versuche, die Datenbank zu sichern …
    [23-Sep-2015 10:48:00] Mit Datenbank usr_web290_1 auf localhost verbunden
    [23-Sep-2015 10:48:02] Datenbank Backup “usr_web290_1.sql.gz” mit 1,68 MB zur Backup Datei Liste hinzugefügt
    [23-Sep-2015 10:48:02] Datenbank-Backup fertig!
    [23-Sep-2015 10:48:02] 1. Versuche, eine Liste der Ordner für das Backup zu erstellen …
    [23-Sep-2015 10:48:16] WARNUNG: is_readable(): open_basedir restriction in effect. File(/var/www/web290/wp-config.php) is not within the allowed path(s): (/var/www/web290/html/:/var/www/web290/phptmp/:/var/www/web290/files/:/var/www/web290/atd/:/usr/share/php/:/opt/php/)
    [23-Sep-2015 10:48:16] 7775 Ordner für Backup.
    [23-Sep-2015 10:48:16] 1. Versuche, eine Liste der installierten Plugins zu erstellen …
    [23-Sep-2015 10:48:16] Plugin Listendatei “IEP-Programm.pluginlist.2015-09-23.txt.gz” mit 1,17 kB zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt.
    [23-Sep-2015 10:48:16] 1. Versuche eine Manifest-Datei zu generieren …
    [23-Sep-2015 10:48:16] manifest.json mit 4,91 kB wurde zur Backup-Datei-Liste hinzugefügt.
    [23-Sep-2015 10:48:17] 1. Versuche, Backup zu erstellen …
    [23-Sep-2015 10:48:17] Komprimiere Dateien als TarGz. Bitte habe einen Moment Geduld.
    [23-Sep-2015 10:52:10] FEHLER: Signal “SIGXCPU” wurde an das Script geschickt!
    [23-Sep-2015 10:52:12] 2. Versuche, Backup zu erstellen …
    [23-Sep-2015 10:56:16] Backup wurde erstellt.
    [23-Sep-2015 10:56:16]

    Vielen Dank für Ihre Hilfe.
    Herzliche Grü?e aus Calau

    J?rg Rothhardt

    @jrothhardt: Please ma a new topic for this. In WordPress Form you must post in English.

    In last version i have adde handling of server signals vor better error handlig.
    Here https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/getrlimit.2.html you can find what the signal means. It is a limitatzion of CPU time on your Hoster.
    You can try to configure a maximum exectuion time in BAckWPup > Settings > Tab Job to prevent this.

    Anonymous User 13982730


    Hi Daniel, did you checked my XML to find the error?
    I′ve tried to make a new Back up and in my wp dashborad it sends me this message:
    sprintf(): Too many arguments
    I′ll wait your answer

    Wuth language did you use ?

    Can you send the XML again ? I Think i have not recived one.

    Anonymous User 13982730


    There is the XML:
    I am not sure if you ask me wich language do I use as you say “Wuth”.

    Thanks Daniel

    Hello jorgedevillalba, that is your sitemap XML and not the XML from the backup archive.

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