Hello @rcriche,
We apologize in advance for this inconvenience. We have been able to replicate this issue on our side. To fix this issue, you can try adding both files in the link below according to the written path.
File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1e-wLYAph1gVjhayxMQ8Wto23_oAdIc46/view?usp=sharing
File: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1juXbpafN8IdxxJth0oP-Sgu2QRWuhv9N/view?usp=sharing
Before you replace the file, we hope you can back it up so that it can be restored in case of unwanted errors. We will update the plugin with a fix for this issue as soon as we can. We hope you can wait for it.
Thank You