• First time for everything ?? I am extremely low level PHP knowledgeable.

    I bought “JigoShop – Australia Post Shipping Calculator” and followed the instructions to install the plugin.

    But when looking for the activation settings or really anything on the back-end for this plugin, I cannot find anything. It is as if the plugin was not installed or activated at all. I have contacted the author.. Still waiting for a reply.

    I also tried out “Jigoshop – Smart Send Shipping Plugin” and the exact same thing is happening.

    I plan on calling my Host tomorrow for help. As I have seen by other messages that this plugin must work.

    I am hoping that someone could help me?

    Also:- I know that WP wants 64M of memory, I have talked to my host and they say that I have that. however WP thinks it only has 40m? Maybe this could be the issue? How do I change that?

    ### Begin System Info ###

    Multi-site: No

    SITE_URL: https://www.smolle.com.au
    HOME_URL: https://www.smolle.com.au

    Jigoshop Version: 1.12.1
    WordPress Version: 4.0

    Platform: Windows
    Browser Name: Chrome
    Browser Version: 37.0.2062.124
    User Agent String: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW
    64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, l
    ike Gecko) Chrome/37.0.2062.124

    PHP Version: 5.4.32
    MySQL Version: 5.5.37
    Web Server Info: LiteSpeed

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    APC: Disabled
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    PHP Memory Limit: 256M
    PHP Post Max Size: 8MB
    PHP Upload Max File Size: 20MB
    PHP Max Input Time: 60
    PHP Max Input Vars: 1000
    WordPress Memory Limit: 40MB

    Short Open Tag: Enabled
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    Session: Enabled
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    Use Cookies: On
    Use Only Cookies: On

    FSOCKOPEN: Supported


    All In One SEO Pack:
    Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order: 1.4.0
    Editor Extender: 0.2.1
    Exclude or include Pages, Tags, Posts & Categories (integrate with WiziApp): 1.0.9
    Facebook Members: 5.7
    Google Analytics Dashboard for WP: 4.3.4
    Google XML Sitemaps:
    Jigoshop: 1.12.1
    JigoShop – Australia Post Shipping Calculator: 1.82
    Jigoshop – Store Toolkit: 1.3.6
    Jigoshop Admin Bar Addition: 1.8
    Jigoshop Easy Print Button: 1.0
    Jigoshop Google Product Feed: 1.7
    JigoShop Statistics: 1.0.1
    MailPoet Jigoshop Add-on: 1.0.4
    MailPoet Newsletters: 2.6.11
    mb.miniAudioPlayer: 1.5.7
    Page Numbers Page Navigation: 1.04
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    Scroll Back to Top: 1.1.3
    Spammer Blocker: 1.5
    WP-Blacklister: 1.2.1
    WP Live Chat Support: 4.1.9
    WP Live Chat Support Pro: 4.3.2
    WP Robots Txt: 1.1


    Twenty Eleven: 1.9

    ### End System Info ###

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  • I am having the same difficulty with this plugin. Maybe it’s not compatible with the latest version of JigoShop and needs updating?

    I had it working on a previous version. Now, it does not show up on the Jigoshop > Settings > Shipping area as it used to.

    Did you get any response from the developer?

    i have the same issue with the australia post plugin. Big problem as i can not sell outside australia now. Not sure if the developer supports it here or you have to email him.

    Unfortunately, it’s not just this plugin that suffers with the same problem. I have a Payment plugin that is also not working. I have had to revert back to an old version of Jigoshop to get it all working again.

    Thread Starter Smolle


    No response from the developer yet. I have found that service is not fantastic. Been thinking about moving over to WooeCommerce as I have found that plugins that do not work on Jigo do work on Woo…

    I will persevere for now however.

    Yes, I’m moving to WooCommerce. It doesn’t bode well when the add-ons aren’t kept up to date with the main plugin. Not updating is the way you leave yourself open to security holes.

    I am, however, not going to attempt to get the jigoshop add-ons to work with WooCommerce… I’m just going to repurchase and be done with it.

    can jigoshop take over this plugin and make it work, its costing me business

    @ozdecor – it seems that the developer of this plugin doesn’t monitor these forums. You could try getting a hold of them via codecanyon, where they seem to have a profile ‘tdbaker’. Their twitter handle is @dtbaker and they seem active there.

    Thread Starter Smolle


    Been there done that… I do not use Twitter… Find it a wast of my time…

    tried his twitter , no reply in 2 days. and sent a ticket
    this is costing me business every day, so many others would have the same problems

    Seems you have two options. Downgrade, or move to another e-commerce platform e.g. WooCommerce.

    Thread Starter Smolle


    Is there a video or documentation to guide me through the process of migrating the Jigoshop data to WooCommerce?

    Will all the permanent links be lost? Because I am using QR Bar Coding on my stock pointing me to the stock web page….

    Thanks to everyone that commented on this question ??

    Thread Starter Smolle


    I agree with @ozdecor Jigoshop should take over or develop their own plugin that does this. I have been looking at WC and I have found that the plugins are overpriced in comparison with Jigoshop.

    Hi Jigoshop users!

    This thread has come to our attention. We are sorry that you all have experienced this.

    JigoShop – Australia Post Shipping Calculator is NO longer compatible with the current Jigoshop. We cannot control whether external developers maintain their plugins/extensions. However, we do not have an issue with developing Official Jigoshop versions in such cases that external developers stop supporting their products.

    We are working on an Official version of JigoShop – Australia Post Shipping Calculator. I will have to check with Development to get an official timeline.

    If you guys notice any cases where an external extension no longer works and is not being supported by its’ developer, please let us know at [email protected]

    On behalf of the ENTIRE Jigoshop team, I would like to thank you for your commitment over the years and each of your individual contributions to the Jigoshop community.



    Also:- I know that WP wants 64M of memory, I have talked to my host and they say that I have that. however WP thinks it only has 40m? Maybe this could be the issue? How do I change that?

    This is the code: define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M');

    wp-config doesn’t recognize it if it’s too low in the code. Move it higher and it will register.

    Thread Starter Smolle


    Thank you so much for the great response…

    I hope that this is being worked on because like ozdecor I am now discovering that people are not purchasing online from my shop because of Flat Postage costs are not fitting a lot of items.


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