Hi again,
didn′t update the plugin for a while. Now I did. The Problem is almost solved, buttons are shown now using excerpt=yes.
But using the excerpt-command leads to another bug I mentioned earlier in the jetpack-Forum:
If the excerpt is shorter than 55 words the plugin adds the words
Weiterlesen ? Teilen mit:Mehr
at the end of each excerpt.
“Weiterlesen” means read more. That seems to be a Problem with the theme – it adds a button to each excerpt on the main page. If I Change the Name of the button in the theme-settings to “read more”, than “Weiterlesen” changes to “read more” too.
“Teilen mit:” means “Sharing with:”. This still is a Problem with jetpack. Jetpack allows to Input a free text in front of the Buttons. Changing the text changes the catlist-output.
“Mehr” means “more”, I haven′t figured out yet, which Setting leads to this Output.
For examples see https://rwn24.de/schwerpunkt-energie/, https://rwn24.de/catlist-test2/ or https://medienhaus.presseagentur-funk.de/test1/
Amazingly https://rwn24.de/catlist-test2/ doesn′t Show “Weiterlesen”, allthough it should have the same Settings as https://rwn24.de/schwerpunkt-energie/. All other pages I controlled behaved like https://rwn24.de/schwerpunkt-energie/
https://medienhaus.presseagentur-funk.de/test1/ only Shows the “Teilen mit”, here: “Mitteilen via:”. So the “Mehr”-Problem seems to be a theme-conflict too.
If you can′t find the bug, it could be a solution to add a command to cut off a certain amount of characters at the end of each excerpt, like: excerpt=yes, excerpt-cutoff=12
By the way: using “Content=yes” still hides the jetpack-Buttons.