Thank you for the quick response. I rebooted my PC. Cleared the browser cache. Disabled the ad blocker. Disabled the website application firewall caching. And it’s still happening.
Then I realized I hadn’t cleared cookies. Did that. Relogged on both sites as instructed. Still having the same issue
Uninstalled and reinstalled Jetpack. Same issue.
I’m using a different email address for my site than for Does that matter?
Earlier today I activated jetpack on a slightly different install on the same server using this same email. Would that be a problem?
What exactly is this setup button attempting to do? I’m not sure why is involved with configuring a plugin. Maybe you could explain?
And is there any type of error logging that I could check? I know it’s the “in” thing with UI design these days to withhold as much information as possible from users, but that philosophy tends to cause problems when something goes wrong. I’m hoping you record errors somewhere. Nothing in the javascript console, unfortunately.