It’s been quite a while since I’ve looked at Jetpack so I’ll have to check out what is available for those features.
I can tell you that MBM will automatically add this to the SEO description:
* if the book is stand alone or what series it belongs to
* what genre it’s in, if any
* what retailers it’s available from, if any
* the first 150 characters of the summary
If the book has a cover, it will add og:image, og:image:height, og:image:width, twitter:image, and twitter:image:alt property meta tags.
If the book has editions added, it will add og:type and books:isbn property meta tags with the relevant content.
It also sets og:url, og:title, and og:description (using first 150 characters of the summary) as well as twitter:card, twitter:title, and twitter:description meta tags.
All of this can also be turned off in Mooberry Book Manager Settings -> Book Page.
If there’s something specific in Jetpack you would like MBM to support, let me know. Hope this helps!