javascript-toolbox Not Work in my Site
On experience it works well,
but in this site is not working properly
Can you tell me please why it does not work well
Link attachmentSee the text link “JavaScript link”
href=”javascript:na_open_window(‘win’, ‘″ , 0, 0, 600, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);”
Is malformed as the second parameter (…) wrapped start by a ‘ and ended up with “!
Even after I fix this I got Javascript error:
ReferenceError: na_open_window is not defined
Please make sure you you’re calling the correct function
name!Notes: – There is no any code blocks being applied to the output and this mean that the CJT Plugin doesn’t have blocks assigned to page!
If you were linking any Javascript files before upgrading please note that the Linking Javascript files is deprecated in V 6.0 CE and is now only available in CJT V 6.0 Premium Edition.
If you where upgrading from older version you can also check readme.txt file == Upgrade Notice == section!
If this isn’t help please provide more information, if you were upgrading or doing fresh installation, etc…
AhmedHello Ahmed
Do you have any idea why Same action working as well in this site you recognize any conflict on the first site?
Yeah I know why its working.
When viewing the source of the page you sent you can see the following code listed @line #93:
`<!– Block (1) START–>
<script language=”JavaScript”>
function na_open_window(name, url, left, top, width, height, toolbar, menubar, statusbar, scrollbar, resizable)
toolbar_str = toolbar ? ‘yes’ : ‘no’;
menubar_str = menubar ? ‘yes’ : ‘no’;
statusbar_str = statusbar ? ‘yes’ : ‘no’;
scrollbar_str = scrollbar ? ‘yes’ : ‘no’;
resizable_str = resizable ? ‘yes’ : ‘no’;cookie_str = document.cookie;
cookie_str.toString();pos_start = cookie_str.indexOf(name);
pos_end = cookie_str.indexOf(‘=’, pos_start);cookie_name = cookie_str.substring(pos_start, pos_end);
pos_start = cookie_str.indexOf(name);
pos_start = cookie_str.indexOf(‘=’, pos_start);
pos_end = cookie_str.indexOf(‘;’, pos_start);if (pos_end <= 0) pos_end = cookie_str.length;
cookie_val = cookie_str.substring(pos_start + 1, pos_end);
if (cookie_name == name && cookie_val == “done”)
return;, name, ‘left=’+left+’,top=’+top+’,width=’+width+’,height=’+height+’,toolbar=’+toolbar_str+’,menubar=’+menubar_str+’,status=’+statusbar_str+’,scrollbars=’+scrollbar_str+’,resizable=’+resizable_str);
}// –></script>
<!– Block (1) END –>`na_open_window function is defined there. This mean you’ve created code block filled with that code and assigning it to the I’m not sure why is the block not being outputted in the other site! Please make sure you just added the above code into a block and assigning it to page.
Please provide screenshort of the code block you’ve and the assigment panel checkboxes!
FYI: We’ve the plugin conflicted with some other Plugins and we’re being resolved those issues! May be you’ve a plugin conflicted with CJT Plugin in the other site! The conflicts are being fixed and we’ll release a next version in then next days.
AhmedYour Email Please?
### This code I put in the plugin<script language=”JavaScript”>
function na_open_window(name, url, left, top, width, height, toolbar, menubar, statusbar, scrollbar, resizable)
toolbar_str = toolbar ? ‘yes’ : ‘no’;
menubar_str = menubar ? ‘yes’ : ‘no’;
statusbar_str = statusbar ? ‘yes’ : ‘no’;
scrollbar_str = scrollbar ? ‘yes’ : ‘no’;
resizable_str = resizable ? ‘yes’ : ‘no’;cookie_str = document.cookie;
cookie_str.toString();pos_start = cookie_str.indexOf(name);
pos_end = cookie_str.indexOf(‘=’, pos_start);cookie_name = cookie_str.substring(pos_start, pos_end);
pos_start = cookie_str.indexOf(name);
pos_start = cookie_str.indexOf(‘=’, pos_start);
pos_end = cookie_str.indexOf(‘;’, pos_start);if (pos_end <= 0) pos_end = cookie_str.length;
cookie_val = cookie_str.substring(pos_start + 1, pos_end);
if (cookie_name == name && cookie_val == “done”)
return;, name, ‘left=’+left+’,top=’+top+’,width=’+width+’,height=’+height+’,toolbar=’+toolbar_str+’,menubar=’+menubar_str+’,status=’+statusbar_str+’,scrollbars=’+scrollbar_str+’,resizable=’+resizable_str);
}// –></script>
### This code I put on the page<a href="javascript:na_open_window('win', '', 0, 0, 600, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);" target="_self">JavaScript Link</a>
the Code is The same in both sites, on the one site that works and on the other site it does not work
Please use the contact form until we create a support mail for the Community Edition.
AhmedPlease See
What you requesting now is beyong the CJT scope! You’ve an error in Javascript Link href attributes!
Please change:
javascript:na_open_window('win', '" , 0, 0, 600, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
To (copy and past):
javascript:na_open_window('win', '', 0, 0, 600, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
as the there is an issue by using ‘ before and ” after it!
Inside the link href attribute.
Hello Ahmed
i using:
javascript:na_open_window(‘win’, ‘’, 0, 0, 600, 200, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);but its still not work
When I opened page I found its still uses the old code not what I provided!
I’ve opened page in my Chrome browser, then opened the development console, tried the code and got it worked (new popup opened)! Make sure the browser is not blocking the popup from being displayed!
AhmedI Realy do not know what to tell you
I use the same code in two different sites
i using the same Plugin and In the same way
And the same browser [Firefox]
At the same time, and the same settings1. here its Work here its not work don’t use the same code, I’ve no doubt with that!
The Address (href attribute) for site is not the same as site! There’re different that I’ve explained many times in my previous comments!
Try to dedicate more time investigating what I’ve said in my previous comments!
I got it work in the site you provides using what I said to you, its your turn to try to use what I’ve provided!
AhmedI found it
This plugin was a conflicting’m glad you got the problem solved!
I’m not sure if you mean this Plugin has an explicit conflict with CJT Plugin or it has issues on its own!
Even if its conflicted with CJT Plugin we just fixed the conflict we’ve with other Plugins and those fixes are being tested!
Thank you for using CJT Plugin.
AhmedI mean this Plugin has an conflict with CJT Plugin
After i deactivate it, then CJT working well
and Thank for your support Ahmed
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