• Resolved danielsteel


    Hi. After updating to the WordPress 6.7 Most of my website is affected. I then received an e-mail from Wordfence to say that I had 2313 files in my database. I also had an e-mail from www.remarpro.com support on the issue. In another e-mail from Wordfence they gave me a list of actions, 7 in all. The first one was to instal WP-Optimise to clean up my database. I cleaned up some of it with their recommendations and everything seemed to be going smoothly until I went onto my posts and pages where I found a red text warning near my WPForms contact form on my “Contact us” page . I clicked on the link in it and followed the instructions it gave me to deactivate my plugins to find out which 1 was causing the issue. I deactivated all my plugins and checked the comments sections again and the red text warning had gone. So I activated my plugins one by one and checked the comments again and when I deactivated WP-Optimize, the red text warning had gone. I then activated that plugin again and checked the red text warning came back on. I tried this four times and it disappeared each time. I then re-activated all my other plugins and left WP-Organize deactivated and the comments sections were still clear of the red text warning. I obviously need to clean my database but are there other plugins like WP-Organize have conflicts with WPForms?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Kenneth Macharia


    Hey @danielsteel,

    Thank you for reaching out, I’m sorry to hear about the trouble you bumped into.

    The interactive features in WPForms such as form validation relay on JavaScript to work properly and whenever a page is heavily optimized then these features might not work as expected. From your description, it sounds like you are using WP Optimize to improve the load time of your page and this is not playing nicely with the WPForms assests. I have checked one of the forms on your site and it seems that your server might also be trying to improve the page load time by managing some assets. Is it an option to exclude the form page from caching? I’d recommend taking a look at this guide for more details about how you can configure optimization plugins to work smoothly with WPForms.

    I hope this helps. ??

    Plugin Support Kenneth Macharia


    Hey @danielsteel,

    We haven’t heard back from you in about a few days, so I’m going to go ahead and close this thread for now. But if you’d like us to assist further, please feel welcome to continue the conversation (please just see my post above).


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