Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined$.ui @ jquery-ui.js:14(anonymous function) @ jquery-ui.js:16
(index):204 GET https://dev.marijuanapolitics.com/wp-content/plugins/archives-calendar-widget/themes/arw-theme1.css?ver=1.0.3 404 (Not Found)
(index):1480 GET https://dev.marijuanapolitics.com/wp-content/themes/mp/js/navigation.js?ver=20120206
(index):1481 GET https://dev.marijuanapolitics.com/wp-content/themes/mp/js/skip-link-focus-fix.js?ver=20130115 404 (Not Found)
jQuery is not loaded in appropriate order, even jquery-ui gets error because is included before jQuery.
You shoud not include jQuery manually in your theme but register your scripts with jQuery as dependency.
Or be sure to include it in the <head>
as all first script and before wp_head()
For the CSS arw-theme1.css you might have to go to the plugin settings > customise and save theme again without making changes.