• hi there spacious team,

    first, thanks really, really a lot for such a nice and free available theme. this theme is really awesome and i do like it a lot, especially as you created your theme functions via function_exists() call, which makes it very easy to overwrite in a child theme. thanks a lot, guys ??

    but i found an issue when using your theme with the WP favorite posts plugin


    the wp favorite post plugin does some jquery ajax calls when marking posts as favorite posts

    not sure which javascript is not properly done? but if i remove the navigation.js spacious theme file, then wp favorite posts ajax call can do its thing.

    i did have a look and figured out that navigation.js is doing something they call a self invoking function

    ( function() {
        // do navigation stuff
    } )();

    and this self invoking function causes trouble with the ajax calls from the wp favorite post plugin, which was quite annoying for me and took me a while to figure that one out.

    so i removed the self invoking function and put all that javascript stuff into a jquery document ready thing, like so:

    jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
    	// do navigation stuff

    and the conflict is finally gone and i can mark posts as favorite again ?? but i’m actually really not sure if this is ok? or if it will cause further problems? as i’m really no javascript guru ??

    the jquery code from the wp favorite post plugin goes as this:

    jQuery(document).ready( function($) {
        $('.wpfp-link').live('click', function() {
            dhis = $(this);
            wpfp_do_js( dhis, 1 );
            // for favorite post listing page
            if (dhis.hasClass('remove-parent')) {
            return false;
    function wpfp_do_js( dhis, doAjax ) {
        loadingImg = dhis.prev();
        beforeImg = dhis.prev().prev();
        url = document.location.href.split('#')[0];
        params = dhis.attr('href').replace('?', '') + '&ajax=1';
        if ( doAjax ) {
            jQuery.get(url, params, function(data) {
                    if(typeof wpfp_after_ajax == 'function') {
                        wpfp_after_ajax( dhis ); // use this like a wp action.

    what are your thoughts on my changes? is it ok? or will it cause trouble? or is their a better way to solve this conflict?

    thanks again for the spacious theme! you guys are awesome ??


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