Hi, the site which is displaying the issue isn’t publicly available, as it is a the stage instance of https://md.catapult.org.uk, and the and the cookie notice module on the production site hasn’t been updated due to this issue.
The observed behaviour is that where the site is loaded in incognito mode (to simulate a first visit to the site from a user) the cookie notice display doesn’t display as expected. no errors are output to the browser console.
The cookie notice plugin is used on sister sites to this site, and operates as expected.
On doing some investigation it was discovered that the issue is being caused by the javascript used to check the cookies and display the notice as necessary wasn’t running as expected, with the init function not being run.
On disabling javascript in the other installed plugins on a 1 by 1 basis, with was found that if the javascript in wp-content/plugins/simple-youtube-responsive/js/youtube-responsive.min.js was commented out the cookie-notice plugin then operates as expected.