• The hack shows up in IE and Safari but not in Chrome. I searched my database and all my files for viagra but I can’t figure out where the hack is. This is the HTML that is there. Our site is https://www.chihuahua-rescue.org

    <div id="page" class="hfeed site">
    		<div id="site-header">
    		<a href="https://www.chihuahua-rescue.org/" rel="home">
    			<img src="https://www.chihuahua-rescue.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Header2.png" width="1260" height="240" alt="">

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  • Loofah


    Oddly, I also had an email through saying ‘welcome to mojo marketplace’ even though I’ve not activated it via iPage

    Had the same thing happen to a friend.

    It appears to me that the most likely cause is the server being compromised, not the WordPress environment.

    Here’s my story:

    I have dozens of wordpress sites across a wide variety of hosting providers. On roughly the same day as the rest of the people here, EVERY ipage site I own got hacked. That’s about 10 sites, all on ipage, with no common plug-ins other than the automatically installed “mojo marketplace.”

    I spoke with ipage support today, and they said, of course, “It can’t be our fault. Uneducated people see coincidences like this and assume it’s our fault. If you were educated about wordpress you would see that it’s just random chance.”

    They refused to fix the problem and instead offered their 90 dollar per site cleaning service.

    Moving to siteground now.

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