• Currently upgraded to the latest version (v4.4.13)

    I’ve noticed iThemes Security reporting that “A user with id 1 still exists” when it in fact does not. Furthermore, clicking the “Fix it” button, checking both “Enable Change Admin User”, and “Change User ID 1”, and clicking the “Save Admin User” button results in iThemes logging out (as expected) and creating a new blank user with the next available id # and also with no attributes to the user (no username, name, email, role: none, etc.)

    I believe this first appeared with the v4.4.11 update.


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  • yes getting same message here even though I have no “admin” user as well. I’m getting hit hard by somebody on a regular basis

    “A user with id 1 still exists”…how can I check???

    Thread Starter kmcnja


    I believe you are referring to emails about someone trying to access the backend of your website using the username ‘admin’. Since you do not have a user ‘admin’ (also there is an option in iThemes to block users trying to access the website with this username), the login fails as it should.

    As to find out if you have a user with its id as 1, there’s a number of ways to find this out. Here’s one post on how to find this out (the last suggestion being the easiest)


    Hi All,

    Thanks for reporting this. There will be a fix of it in a near future release!



    Thread Starter kmcnja


    Thank you for addressing this. Keep up the good work.

    Has this issue been fixed? Because I am still seeing this in my dashboard messages.

    Thread Starter kmcnja


    I believe it has been since v4.4.15. If I remember correctly (which I admit may not be the case) for me it didn’t take until a release or two after that update, but the issue was resolved, at least for me on all the sites I administer.

    Make sure you’ve updated to the most recent version of ithemes security (currently v4.5.2) as well as your wordpress installation.

    Thank you for your response. yes I am at the latest versions of both I-Themes and WordPress. But I still see it. I guess I could ignore it..


    Thread Starter kmcnja


    Yeah. My suggestion would be try completely uninstalling the plugin, and any associated tables in the database and see if the bug still comes up. Either that or open up a new ticket.

    Hi There
    I have the updated versions of the Security-pro
    And i just went thru the painfull experience of trying to fix

    A user with id 1 still exists. (FIX IT)
    it Changed the ID but also removed any way og creating an admin again
    had to clean out and use backupbuddy manually with FTP to fix it

    Couldnt even create one via the phpmyadmin

    That feature for sure is broken !
    i’ll fix it manually and hope they wil fix this BUG Soon !

    Most Respectfully

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