Items missing in post snippet and design different
Hello there,
I tried using your plugin to enable ajax lazy load instead of pagination for my archive pages, I am using generatepress theme, I copied template from theme single.php file and pasted in plugin repeater template. It does the job but design is little bit different, each snippet box design is missing. I checked source code through inspect element of archive page & found this code
<div id="ajax-load-more" class="ajax-load-more-wrap blue alm-0" data-id="1" data-alm-id="0" data-canonical-url="https://pageurl" data-slug="director" data-post-id="66" data-localized="ajax_load_more_1_vars" data-total-posts="492"><div aria-live="polite" aria-atomic="true" class="alm-listing alm-ajax" data-container-type="div" data-loading-style="blue" data-archive="true" data-repeater="default" data-post-type="post" data-taxonomy="category" data-taxonomy-terms="director" data-taxonomy-operator="IN" data-order="DSC" data-orderby="date" data-offset="10" data-posts-per-page="10" data-scroll="false" data-pause="true" data-button-label="Load More"><div class="alm-reveal" style="opacity: 1; height: auto; outline: none;">
Due to which design is not proper.One more thing items like date, category, tag is also missing from post snippet.
Can you tell me how to solve these two issues.
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