• Resolved sleepymonk


    Hi George,

    I’m almost ready to buy you a coffee.

    I’ve used the google structured data testing tool in order to see what comes up here.

    I am getting this error on post pages (my blog is called a magazine):

    The error says that the attribute “itemref” points to a non-existent identifier comments

    We have comments disabled on my website by default.

    <!-- BEGIN Microdata added by Add-Meta-Tags WordPress plugin -->
    <!-- Scope BEGIN: Article -->
    <div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Article" itemref="comments">
    <!-- Scope BEGIN: Organization -->

    The following theme code is in my functions.php file
    I had to change blogPost to BlogPosting in order to conform to the current schema.org format

    // functions to aid in Schema.org structured data creation
    	function yeast_schema_type() {
    		if (is_single()) {
    			$item_type = 'BlogPosting';
    		} elseif (is_blog() || is_archive()) {
    			$item_type = 'Blog';
    		/*} elseif (is_search()) {
    			$item_type = 'SearchResultsPage';*/
    		} else {
    			$item_type = 'WebPage';
    		if (!is_singular('product')) {
    			echo 'itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/'.$item_type.'"';

    This code was added to as author, date published etc were not in the theme code.

    //mod content
    function hatom_mod_post_content ($content) {
      if ( in_the_loop() && !is_page() ) {
        $content = '<span class="entry-content">'.$content.'</span>';
      return $content;
    add_filter( 'the_content', 'hatom_mod_post_content');
    //add hatom data
    function add_mod_hatom_data($content) {
        $t = get_the_modified_time('F jS, Y');
        $author = get_the_author();
        $title = get_the_title();
        if(is_single()) {
            $content .= '<div class="hatom-extra"><span class="entry-title">'.$title.'</span> was last modified: <span class="updated"> '.$t.'</span> by <span class="author vcard"><span class="fn">'.$author.'</span></span></div>';
        return $content;
    add_filter('the_content', 'add_mod_hatom_data');

    Thank you for any help. My website dev hasn’t got a clue about this [although he took my $$ gladly] and I’ve spent a week trying to get it resolved.

    PS This plugin is working great on my woocommerce products pages.


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  • Thread Starter sleepymonk


    Sorry, I meant to say that the second block of code was necessary to add more data as I was getting messages in webmaster tools that author and updated were missing. So this code fixed those messages.

    I still have a problem with the category and tag posts pages, but I am getting closer with your plugin.

    Plugin Author George Notaras



    Thanks for your feedback.

    itemref="comments" exists so as to be able to attach schema.org metadata for the comments. I agree that a check if the comments are enabled should be performed and only insert the itemref if comments are enabled. It will be fixed in the next release. Thanks for pointing it out.

    The first code block adds the itemscope to the whole page, right? Because I’m not sure if I understand how it modifies the schema.org metadata generated by this plugin.

    The second code block that appends this ‘last modified’ statement seems like a very good solution to resolve these microformat errors with many themes.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter sleepymonk


    Thank you for the response, George. I will look forward to an update.

    The very first code block is output from your plugin.

    The second code block is built into the custom WP theme (functions.php) I think the theme is based on Yoast. Unfortunately it doesn’t do the job as I have many error messages in webmaster tools. I tried to edit it myself, and blogPosting was the only one I was able to fix.

    The third code block is from David Tiong’s website, suggested to me to add the “author” and “modified date” to blog posts. I added this myself. There’s also a suggestion for hiding it onscreen, but I didn’t include this.

    I have issues with category and tags and archives, so I am doing what I can to fix this. Your plugin is a good start.

    Plugin Author George Notaras


    The very first code block is output from your plugin.

    Nope. The first code snippet is not from Add-Meta-Tags.

    I have issues with category and tags and archives, so I am doing what I can to fix this.

    I’m afraid only basic metadata (description and keywords meta tags) is generated for taxonomy archives in Add-Meta-Tags. This is not going to change until Opengraph and Schema.org publish guidelines about how metadata should be added to archive pages.

    Thread Starter sleepymonk


    Hi George,

    Thanks again for your reply.

    By first block of code, I meant this one (see below) generated by your plugin. It tags the section as ARTICLE, and adds itemref=”comments”. It’s getting an error message in Google Structured Data Testing Tool since there are no comments to be found.

    I am not skilled enough to figure out how to modify this from your list of examples (thank you for providing them on the plugin home page!) I think it needs to be blog, but at least the itemref should come out?

    <!-- BEGIN Microdata added by Add-Meta-Tags WordPress plugin -->
    <!-- Scope BEGIN: Article -->
    <div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/Article" itemref="comments">
    <!-- Scope BEGIN: Organization -->

    I’m in complete agreement about the issue of categories, tags & archives. It just makes it crazy for people like me who aren’t as skilled, since we go around in circles trying to find a solution, not realizing that there isn’t a clear standard.

    I guess the majors are still jostling for front line positions. Cyber wars for power : )

    Plugin Author George Notaras


    By first block of code, I meant this one (see below) generated by your plugin.

    Sorry, I was referring to the first block of php code ??

    The following sample code would help you do what you want. Place it in the functions.php file of your theme.

    function customize_schema_org_metadata( $metatags ) {
        $metatags_new = array();
        foreach ( $metatags as $metatag ) {
            if ( strpos($metatag, 'https://schema.org/Article') === false ) {
                $metatags_new[] = $metatag;
            } else {
                $metatags_new[] = '<div itemscope itemtype="https://schema.org/BlogPosting">';
        return $metatags_new;
    add_filter( 'amt_schemaorg_metadata_content', 'customize_schema_org_metadata' );

    Hope it helps.

    I’m not sure if there will ever be a standard for metadata for archive pages. Archive pages are a way each web site organizes and creates lists of its own content for its users. I don’t think services like Google, Facebook and Twitter are really interested in those lists. All they care about is the content. After they index it, they do their own categorization and create their own archives and views for their users. That’s why Add-Meta-Tags is not focusing on archive pages.

    Kind Regards,
    George Notaras

    Plugin Author George Notaras


    Hi, I’m marking this topic as resolved. The itemref issue will be resolved in the upcoming release. Please note it might take a while before it is out.

    Thread Starter sleepymonk


    Hi George,

    Thanks for your help, I appreciate the sample code you provided!

    I did try it on my staging site, but it didn’t work as expected. I was probably in a bit of a rush yesterday when I tested it, so I’ll have another look at it later.

    I’ll look forward to the upcoming release, and when I get your plugin installed on my live site (hopefully I’ll get to it this week), I’ll buy you a few coffees through your link : )

    Plugin Author George Notaras


    Hello sleepymonk, I tested the code again and it works as expected. Nevertheless itemref will be fixed in the next release.

    Plugin Author George Notaras


    This specific itemref attribute has been removed for now as it creates more problems than it solves.

    The fix will be available in v2.7.2.

    It will be implemented again in the future in a way that it provides an error free way to attaching comment matadata to the article. But, anyway, Google doesn’t pay much attention to such comment metadata.

    Thanks for pointing it out.

    Plugin Author George Notaras


    Finally I implemented OpenGraph and Twitter Cards metadata for category/tag/custom-taxonomy archives. If it works as expected it will be available in 2.7.3.

    The plugin does not support products yet. It may generate metadata, but it is not as it should be. It is in my plans to implement this soon.

    Thread Starter sleepymonk


    Terrific! Thanks George! I’ve downloaded 2.7.4 and I will have a look at this tomorrow. I appreciate your work on this.

    I am using google’s data highlighter for products at the moment, but I look forward to seeing this implemented when you have time.

    I’ll get to that coffee donation on the weekend.

    Plugin Author George Notaras


    Hello sleepymonk,

    I see. Products are marked using Google’s highlighter. There are plans to add support for products in the near future, but I’m not sure yet if specific e-commerce solutions will be auto-detected and supported out-of-the-box. No matter what, the user will have to use some custom code (sample code will be provided when product support is implemented) to fully utilize this functionality.

    BTW, since coffee has been mentioned a few times above, I’d like to thank you for your interest in donating. Also, I’d like to let you know that Add-Meta-Tags development is not donation-driven. Development always takes place as long there is a bug to fix or a useful feature to implement regardless of donations. In this regard, donations are not a motivation for me in order to work on this plugin. ??

    Your feedback and ideas are very welcome and much appreciated.


    Plugin Author George Notaras


    Please check the breadcrumbs example for more details about how to set the itemref attribute in order to interconnect various schema.org entities.


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