• matrixunloaded


    Besides being the most flexible and useful theme I have found, the support of Emil sets this apart from all the contenders.

    I had not created a website in over 13 years (back in the Dreamweaver early CSS HTML days before PHP). What a task that was compared to using WordPress and the Responsive theme.

    I came to WordPress less than a week ago and luckily found this theme after looking at a myriad of others.

    I see nothing but good ahead for these talented and enthusiastic developers.

    But by far and above everything else are their “responsive” answers to questions (I’m sure they think I’m dumb) to neophytes like myself.

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  • Emil Uzelac


    Giving a Theme one star just because our forum registration is having a glitch is honestly unfair. ThemeID provides a free Theme with an unprecedented, dedicated support since Responsive was released.

    Please look around what other user’s are saying and you’ll notice that nobody else provides the same support for something that was released free and that’s where I personally take a great pride of.

    All support e-mail questions are answered directly me and I did receive an e-mail explaining that I was unable to fix this forum glitch and that’s why we have Twitter and Facebook sign in as well. ??


    Emil Uzelac


    Quick Update:

    I disabled e-mail confirmation for you and this should be good to go now ??


    Emil Uzelac


    Thank you for changing your feedback and for letting me assist you ??


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